Accepted Papers

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Corrective Demonstrations and a Low-Cost Sensor for Dexterous Manipulation. Abhineet Jain*, Jack Kolb*, Jameel Abbess IV and Harish Ravichandar.

Learning Social Robot Behaviors for Interacting with Staff and Customers. Malcolm Doering, Dražen Brščić and Takayuki Kanda

Do People Trust Robots that Learn in the Home? Nina Moorman and Matthew Gombolay

Learning Efficient Exploration through Human Seeded Rapidly-exploring Random Trees. Max Zuo, Logan Schick, Matthew Gombolay and Nakul Gopalan

Towards Transferring Human Preferences from Canonical to Actual Assembly Tasks. Heramb Nemlekar, Runyu Guan, Guanyang Luo, Satyandra Gupta and Stefanos Nikolaidis