Portfolio of Key Projects

Design and Development of Personal Data as a Service (PDaaS) Platform for the Storage, Processing, and Utilization of Bundle Information based on Data Badge

Period: 2024-01-01 ~ 2025-12-31

Funding: Seoul Business Agency (SBA)

Technical field: Blockchain, Verifiable Data Badge, Data storage, Data processing, Smart contract, Data Privacy, and Security 

Partnership: DAO Solution, Inc., Seoul

Project with DAO Solution, Inc.

Design and Implementation of a Blockchain-powered Digital Asset Secure Box System

Period: 2022-06-01 ~ 2024-12-31

Funding: TIPS (Tech Incubator Program for Startups) 

Technical field: Blockchain, Smart contract, Storage system, Data Privacy, and Security 

Partnership: DAO Solution, Inc., Seoul

Projects with iBELab (Intelligent Blockchain Engineering Lab.)

(스마트 컨트랙트의 개발-배포-실행의 전주기적 취약점 및 신뢰성 오류 개선 기술개발)

Period: 2021-04-01 ~ 2025-12-31

Funding: Institute for Information and Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP - 정보통신기획평가원)

Technical field: GDPR, Smart contract and Blockchain-based technology, Software Security 

Partnership: 한국과학기술원, 단국대학교 산학협력단, (주)수호아이오, (주)스패로우

(데이터 주권 보장을 위한 블록체인 핵심 기술 연구 개발)

Period: 2021-03-01 ~ 2024-12-31

Funding: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF - 한국연구재단) 

Technical field: GDPR, Smart contract, Blockchain-based technology

Design and development of a Hyperledger Fabric-based Big Data Loader and Viewer Engine

Period : 2021-08-01 ~ 2021-12-30  | Github repository

Technical field: Distributed Ledger Technology, Hyperledger Fabric, Smart contract/Chaincode - Partnership: Morphing I & ETRI

Period : 2021-02-01 ~ 2021-12-30

Technical field: Dynamic Consent Management, Blockchain-based Information System, Smart contract

(블록체인 기반 포트폴리오관리 시스템)

Period : 2020-10-01 ~ 2022-02-20

Funding: IITP - 정보통신기획평가원

Technical field: Blockchain-based Information System - Partnership: Hancom SLedger, InnoBlock, & LeadPoint System

Projects with iLab (Internet Computing Lab.)

Funding: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF - 한국연구재단)

Period:  2017.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28

Technical field: Mobile cloud, Ad hoc network, Resource management, Real-time Applications, Cyber-physical system

Period:  2015.08.01 ~ 2017.07.28

Technical field: Mobile cloud, Ad hoc network, Resource management, Real-time applications, Cyber-physical system

Projects in RDC

Funding: ProCredit Bank Congo Ltd.

Period:  2012.02.01 ~ 2014.07.10

Technical field: Collaborative Intranet, Enterprise Information System

ProCredit Bank Congo Regional IT Infrastructure Deployment (Lubumbashi Branches)

Funding: ProCredit Bank Congo Ltd.

Period:  2010.12.01 ~ 2013.03.01

Technical field: IT Infrastructure, POS & ATM Infrastructure deployment

GCO Platform - Commercial Software Solution Integration

Funding: CED & ET Bosch Service Limited

Period:  2010.02.01 ~ 2012.06.10

Technical field:  Commercial Solution (stock, invoicing, purchase orders, offers, Electronic filing, accounting) software platform 

Gecamines' IT Infrastructure Migration


Period:  2009.02.01 ~ 2010.06.30

Technical field:  IT infrastructure 

The project consisted of migrating the whole Gecamines' IT Infrastructure from IBM SNA (Big system) to microsystem Client-Server on the Windows platform (Windows 7, 2008 Server R2, etc.).

COMEXAS Africa Network Infrastructure Deployment (Lubumbashi Agency)

Funding: COMEXAS Africa

Period:  2008.06.01 ~ 2008.07.30

Technical field:  IT infrastructure 

Static Analysis of Trading Algorithms for a Cryptocurrency Exchange Marketplace Operator

Period: 2019-09-01 ~ 2019-12-31

Technical field: Software analysis