
* Open Challenge Contribution

DAY 1, 8 NOVEMBER 2023

Welcome & Introduction  (11.00 - 11.20) 

Session 1

(11.20 - 11.40)  Towards modular designs of neural networks for efficiency and reuse* 

Simone Scardapane, Alessio Devoto, Jary Pomponi

(11.40 - 12.00)  Artificial Intelligence and Natural Brains*

Alberto Signoroni, Mattia Savardi, Sergio Benini, Michele Svanera

(12.00 - 12.20)  Mining Social Biases in Text-to-Images Language Models
Alessandro Lenci, Alessandro Bondielli, Veronica Neri, Lucia C. Passaro 

(12.20 - 12.40)  Top-Tuning: a study on transfer learning for an efficient alternative to fine tuning for image classification with fast kernel methods  
Paolo Didier Alfano, Vito Paolo Pastore, Lorenzo Rosasco, Francesca Odone

(12.40 - 13.00 Deep Learning meets CFD: Innovations in Wind Flow Modeling and real-time Analysis in Urban Environment 

Massimiliano Ruocco, Luca Oggiano, Alfredo Clemente, Knut Erik Giljarhus

Lunch Break, AIxIA Events, & Coffee Break  (13.00 - 16.30)

Session 2

(16.30 - 16.50) Towards Randomized Algorithms and Models that We Can Trust: a Theoretical Perspective

Luca Oneto, Sandro Ridella, Davide Anguita

(16.50 - 17.10) Graph Neural Diffusion: an approach based on diffusion PDE
Lidia Aceto, Marco Dossena, Pietro A. Grassi, Christopher Irwin, Stefania Montani, Luigi Portinale

(17.10 - 17.30)  New Benchmarks for Neuro-Symbolic Systems
Damiano Azzolini, Alice Bizzarri, Elisabetta Gentili, Fabrizio Riguzzi

DAY 2, 9 NOVEMBER 2023

Welcome & Introduction  (9.00 - 9.10) 

Session 3

(9.10 - 9.30)  Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Imputing Missing Data in the Context of Biomass Waste Valorization 

Antonio Elia Pascarella, Antonio Coppola, Roberto Chirone, Stefano Marrone, Piero Salatino, Carlo Sansone 

(9.30 - 9.50)  Deep networks for classification of large datasets: A probabilistic viewpoint
Věra Kůrková , Marcello Sanguineti

(9.50 - 10.10)  Is on-device learning the next big thing in TinyML? 

Massimo Pavan, Manuel Roveri

(10.10 - 10.30) Foundational Theory of Explainable AI

Pietro Barbiero, Stefano Fioravanti, Francesco Giannini, Alberto Tonda, Pietro Liò, Elena Di Lavore

Coffee Break  (10.30 - 11.00) 

Session 4

(11.00 - 11.20)  Sustainable Large Language Models for Effective Semantic Inference Tasks 

Claudiu Daniel Hromei, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili 

(11.20 - 11.40)  Machine Learning Tools Applied to the Creation of Perceptual and Interaction Layers for Cognitive Robots
Giovanni De Gasperis 

(11.40 - 12.00)  Next Generation GNNs: developing universal graph handlers*
Pietro Bongini, Monica Bianchini, Franco Scarselli

(12.00 - 12.20)  Machine Learning Techniques for Extracting Implicit Feedback from Natural Facial Reactions 

Alessio Ferrato, Carla Limongelli, Mauro Mezzini, Giuseppe Sansonetti

(12.20 - 12.40) Cross-modal Learning for Retrieval

Nicola Messina, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro, Giuseppe Amato

Lunch Break  (13.00 - 14.00) & AIxIA Keynote (14.00 - 15.00)

Session 5

(15.00 - 15.20)  Quantum Variational Machine Learning, the power of NISQ era technology*
Filippo Orazi, Antonio Macaluso, Stefano Lodi, Claudio Sartori

(15.20 - 15.40)  Machine Learning Explanations by Surrogate Causal Models (MaLESCAMo) 

Alberto Termine, Alessandro Antonucci, Alessandro Facchini

(15.40 - 16.00)  How fair is that A.I. decision?

Golnoosh Babaei, Paolo Giudici

Coffee Break  (16.00 - 16.30) 

Session 6

(16.30 - 16.50) Continual Learning of Symbolic Representations 

Marco Lippi, Luca Salvatore Lorello, Stefano Melacci

(16.50 - 17.10)  Bio-Inspired Approaches for Deep Learning: Hebbian Plasticity, Spiking Neural Networks, Backprop Alternatives *

Gabriele Lagani, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro, Giuseppe Amato

Conclusions  (17.10 - 18.00)