MLDM 2023

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The 12th Italian Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining

Workshop of the 22nd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2023)
Rome, Italy
6 - 9 November 2023

Following the success of the past eleven editions of the Italian Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining ( at the AIxIA Symposiums and AIxIA Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, this workshop aims at bringing together researchers actively involved in the fields of machine learning, data mining, deep learning, pattern recognition, and knowledge discovery.

During the workshop, researchers will have the opportunity to present their recent results and discuss problems and challenges relevant to the community.

Besides traditional novel ML&DM technique presentations, the edition of this year will particularly focus on the presentation of new open problems that relate the ML&DM with the more general AI area and its applications. With the intention to share the new upcoming challenges involving a large AI audience, a particular emphasis is given to contributions addressing the following topics:

Following the tradition of, presentations are upon invitation. Attendance to is open and welcome to all the AIxIA Conference participants.

The meeting is organized by the AIxIA Working Group on Machine Learning and Data Mining whose general goal is to promote Italian scientific activities in the field of machine learning and data mining, and foster collaborations between research groups.

Workshop Organizers

Alessio Micheli (University of Pisa, Italy)

Federico Errica (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany)

Advisory Board (TBC)