
* Open Challenge Contribution

DAY 1, 28 November 2022

Welcome & Introduction (14.00 - 14.20)

Session 1: Theory

(14.20 - 14.40) Do we really need a new theory to understand the double-descent?

Luca Oneto, Sandro Ridella and Davide Anguita

(14.40 - 15.00) A relational view of feed-forward neural networks

Stefano Rovetta

(15.00 - 15.20) Weisfeiler–Lehman goes dynamic: an analysis of the expressive power of Graph Neural Networks for attributed and dynamic graphs

Silvia Beddar-Wiesing, Giuseppe Alessio D’Inverno, Caterina Graziani, Veronica Lachi, Alice Moallemy-Oureh, Franco Scarselli and Josephine Maria Thomas

Coffee Break (15.45 - 16.15)

Session 2: Machine Learning for Medicine

(16.15 - 16.35) Artificial intelligence forecasting algorithms for Type-I diabetic patients
Alessandro Marchetti, Federico D'Antoni and Mario Merone

(16.35 - 16.55) Explainable machine learning in medical imaging analysis *

Francesco Prinzi, Salvatore Vitabile and Salvatore Gaglio

(16.55 - 17.15) Automated PD-L1 scoring of whole slide images of breast cancer tumors

Giacomo Cignoni, Giuseppe Nicolò Fanelli, Cristian Scatena, Nicola Fusco, Antonio Giuseppe Naccarato and Alina Sîrbu

(17.15 - 17.35) Federated Survival Analysis *

Alberto Archetti and Matteo Matteucci

(17.35 - 17.55) AI and VR at the service of the inclusion of dislexic students in the university: the VRAIlexia project *
Andrea Zingoni, Juri Taborri and Giuseppe Calabrò

DAY 2, 29 November 2022

Welcome & Introduction (10.00 - 10.15)

Session 3: Deep Learning

(10.15 - 10.35) Injecting knowledge within neural learning architecture
Daniele Margiotta, Danilo Croce and Roberto Basili

Coffee Break (10.45 - 11.15)

(11.15 - 11.35) Visual Recommendation and Search through Deep Learning

Alessandro Abluton and Luigi Portinale

(11.35 - 11.55) Privacy-preserving deep learning with homomorphic encryption

Alessandro Falcetta, Davide Chiggiato and Manuel Roveri

(11.55 - 12.15) Topology preserving maps as aggregations for Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
Paolo Frazzetto, Luca Pasa, Nicolò Navarin and Alessandro Sperduti

(12.15 - 12.35) Machine learning techniques for inferring the museum visitors’ behavior
Alessio Ferrato, Carla Limongelli, Mauro Mezzini and Giuseppe Sansonetti

(12.35 - 12.55) Detecting and generating anomalies in semi-supervised settings
Angelica Liguori,
Giuseppe Manco, Francesco Sergio Pisani, and Ettore Ritacco

Lunch Break (13.00 - 14.00)

Session 4: Miscellaneous

(15.00 - 15.20) Hybrid Quantum-classical computation for AI/ML *

Filippo Orazi, Antonio Macaluso, Stefano Lodi and Claudio Sartori

(15.20 - 15.40) Evaluating Choice models for simulating Users' interaction with Recommender Systems

Naieme Hazrati and Francesco Ricci

Coffee Break (15.45 - 16.15)

(16.15 - 16.35) Temporal network generation: a fast algorithm and some open problems

Antonio Longa, Giulia Cencetti, Sune Lehmann, Andrea Passerini and Bruno Lepri

Session 5: Probabilistic Learning

(16.35 - 16.55) Learning probabilistic logic constraints

Fabrizio Riguzzi, Elena Bellodi, Riccardo Zese, Marco Alberti and Evelina Lamma

(16.55 - 17.15) Intelligent tutoring systems by Bayesian nets with noisy gates

Alessandro Antonucci, Francesca Mangili, Claudio Bonesana and Giorgia Adorni

(17.15 - 17.35) On consistency of learning and inference in statistical relational learning

Sagar Malhotra and Luciano Serafini

(17.35 - 17.55) Semantic probabilistic layers for neuro-symbolic learning
Antonio Vergari

Concluding Remarks (17.55 - 18.30)