Welcome both prior and new families to the 19th Annual MLCCC Summer Camp (ZOOM).
We have provided a comprehensive list of virtual (ZOOM) Camp Classes this year. Every summer, we strive to create a fun and productive summer for children of all ages. Check them out and send us an email at info@mlccc.org if there are any questions and comments.
Click on the Above Qr Code to Register Online Now, Register fee ($30) waived before May 21, 2021
Welcome to MLCCC 2021 Online Summer Camp
in its 19th Year of Fun and Learning
丰富文化体验, 拓展多面兴趣, 收获幸福童年!
Online Registration at This Link
Welcome to MLCCC 2021 Summer Camp Online!
-Dates (开营日期): June 21 to August 20 (9 Weeks), Monday - Friday, 3 Sessions.
-Minimum age required (最小年龄): 5 years old
-Minimum enrollment (最少开班人数) to run a class: 5 students
-Maximum Limit per class: 10-12 students (8 students for Drawing Class, larger for Chess and Weiqi to @ tournament)
-All classes taught through ZOOM (online)
-Session 1 (第一期): 6/21 - 7/9 (3 weeks, 7/5 holiday)
-Session 2 (第二期): 7/12 - 7/30 (3 weeks)
-Session 3 (第三期): 8/2 - 8/20 (3 weeks)
We wanted to provide a comprehensive List of Camp Classes. Click on Each Title (Link) to go to its Section to learn more details: See Days/Times Tables Here
-CHL and CSL Classes 汉语老师团队 (母语与非母语班) A FEW CLASSES ARE FULL
-“Road Trip” to Ancient Civilizations 古文明之旅八日“游” (Ages 9+) SECOND TIME SLOT ADDED
-“Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in U.S."华裔美国人的故事“ (Ages 9+)
-English Writing Grades 3-4 英文写作 FULL FOR ALL SESSIONS, HAS WAIT LIST
-English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作 FULL, HAS WAIT LIST
-English Writing Grades 7-8 英文写作
-Intensive English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作强化班
-Math Enrichment Grades 3-4 数学
-Math Enrichment Grades 5-6 数学 (Advanced levels)
-Intensive Math Grades 5-6 数学强化班
-Computer Coding Grades 3-5 Scratch Animation and Game Programming 编程与动画
-Computer Coding Grades 6-8 Python & PyGame Programming 编程与游戏
-International Chess Beginner (Ages 6+) & Intermediate (Ages 7+) 国际象棋
-Weiqi (Game of Go) 围棋 (Ages 6+)
-Public Speaking 公众演讲 (Grades 3-5, Grades 5+)
-Drawing Beginner 绘画初级班 (Ages 6-10)
-Drawing Intermediate 绘画中级班 (Ages 10+) SECOND CLASS ADDED
-Chinese Classical and Folk Dance Beginner (Ages 7+) & Intermediate (Ages 8+) 传统民族舞蹈
-Ukulele Beginner & Intermediate 尤克里里 (Ages 6+)
Pick and choose the language and/or elective classes, including Intensive Writing and Math courses. See Complete Camp Weekly Schedule/Tuition in tables below.
This document is best viewed on the computer because the schedules and questions may be hard to see on a smartphone.
A PDF version of this document can be found here.
A Web Version of this document can be found here.
A Word Version of this document can be found here.
Registration Fee:
$30 registration fee waived if Full Payment by 5/21/2021.
Discounts - similar to prior summers:
Only 1 of the 3 discounts below apply:
10% discount for 2020-2021 MLCCC Weekend School student, or
10% discount for Additional Sibling (sibling with the lower tuition gets the 10%), or
5% discount for Return Camper (Return Camper is a student, not a family unit, who attended last summer and paid at least $150 of tuition). Ask us if you do not know whether you qualify as a Return Camper. Top of Page
7% Whole Summer discount can apply on top of the above 1 of 3 discounts multiplicatively:
$100 tuition x 0.90 MLCCC Weekend School discount x 0.93 Whole Summer discount = $83.70
MUST enroll in a class EVERYDAY for the entire 9 weeks to qualify for the Whole Summer discount (Note: If a student only enrolls in Tuesday & Thursday classes for all summer, does not qualify for Whole Summer Discount. Need to also enroll in Monday Wednesday Friday classes such that the student has a class everyday, to qualify for Whole Summer Discount.)
Referral Bonus:
$25 to a family that brings in a new student from a different family who enrolls for at least $300 payment of classes. A “new student” is someone who has never attended any MLCCC camps before whether in-person or virtual. Top of Page
Cancellation Policy:
Notify camp administrators 1 week in advance and 90% of cancelled class tuition is refunded.
Adding Class Policy:
If a student is already enrolled, no fee to add more classes for that student.
But if only one sibling is enrolled and needs to enroll another sibling, there is a $30 registration fee if past 5/21/2021.
Payment Methods: Venmo (preferred), PayPal (use Friends & Family), or mailing a check
Add comment "MLCCC 2021 Camp and Student Name":
1) Venmo Account: qunbinxiong@mlccc.org (for verification, last 4 digits of phone # is 0823)
2) PayPal Account: qunbinxiong@mlccc.org OR jchou@mlccc.org (please use Friends & Family)
3) Check payable to "MLCCC"; mail to Main Line Chinese Culture Center, P. O. Box 745, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
$30 registration fee waived if Full Payment by 5/21/2021. Top of Page
Courses and Detailed Descriptions 主要课程详细内容
Course content differs by sessions (夏令营共三期,每期的授课内容不一样).
Grade referenced is student’s grade level next September 年级指的是新学年9月份年级.
Age referenced is summer age 年龄指的是夏天的年龄.
CHL and CSL Classes 汉语老师团队 (母语与非母语班)
Mondays - Fridays 9:00am - 10:00am EDT, 10:00am-11am EDT, 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT depending on class
Instructors: Ms. Cai Jie, Ms. Chen Lei, Ms. Li Ran, Ms. Yuan Honglei, and Ms. Zhang Te
Let us continue with Chinese learning so we don’t forget what we have already learned. Content is based on our camp’s Theme Curriculum (主题营). Learn new words/content in each session.
Discount Bundle:
If enroll in CHL-C or CHL-D, tuition for the following two classes “Road Trip to Ancient Civilizations” and “Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in U.S.” in the same session are 50% off. 中文主题营C班和D班课程内容及词汇将和这两门课相辅相成。CHL-C and CHL-D will also learn some vocabulary to prepare students for these two classes. Top of Page
“Road Trip” to Ancient Civilizations 古文明之旅八日“游” (Ages 9+)
Mondays 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT. FULL FOR ALL SESSIONS
ADD’L TIME SLOT: Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Class content of these two time slots are the same.
Instructor: Mr. Shen Li (沈力,宾大考古博物馆中文讲解员)
This class is a virtual guided "tour" of the world's civilizations through the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, a globally renowned museum with an expansive collection from the world's various civilizations. The "tour" is conducted primarily in Chinese. Contents may be modified and adjusted based on real time feedback from the students. If you have not been there before, now you can go on a “road trip” with Mr. Shen without leaving your home!
走进宾大考古人类学博物馆,中国及世界文明八日“游”- 学历史, 学文化,开眼界,长自信!
-中东馆: 解读最古老的文字 - 楔形文字,从苏美尔人的日常生活如女王的化妆到古巴比伦汉谟拉比法典带你了解两河流域文明,在古老的城市中寻找最古老的图书馆,以及考古基础知识。
-埃及馆: 古埃及神灵的世界,木乃伊的制作,拥有一百个孩子的法老,如何把开罗狮身人面像运到博物馆?
-希腊罗马馆: 赏文物,听希腊罗马神话故事,看世界文明的传承和交流,印度佛像为何像希腊人?
-美洲馆: 玛雅文化,励志故事 - 宾大女生如何第一个破解玛雅文字?印第安人是中国人的后代吗?
-非洲馆: 用基因科学探讨人类起源,比人类脑容量还大的尼安德特人灭亡之谜?
-中国馆:从动物看中国文明 昭陵六骏,天禄(汉唐石雕),骆驼(唐三彩),狮子(景泰蓝),佛教艺术对中国文化的影响(佛像艺术基础课)从区别佛,菩萨,弟子,罗汉,力士开始介绍佛像艺术。
-世界文字的演化: 楔形文字,玛雅文字,埃及象形文字,甲骨文的比较学习课程。
Requirement: Students MUST understand basic spoken Chinese. Top of Page
“Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in U.S."华裔美国人的故事“ (Ages 9+)
Wednesdays 2pm - 2:50pm EDT, 50-minute class
Instructor: Cathy Huang, Editor-in-Chief of 美华史记 (Historical Records of Chinese Americans)。 学历史, 学文化,开视野,长自信!
All lectures are in Mandarin with English subtitles. Lectures will cover the early history of Chinese immigrants to the United States; from the transcontinental railroad construction to the tea party in Boston, from the first Chinatown to Florida’s famous oranges. The Boston Tea Party and Florida’s oranges are closely related to early Chinese immigrants. Most of all, students will learn about the immigrants’ struggles and valuable contributions to the country they called “home”; and feel a sense of pride in being a Chinese American today! Contents may be modified or adjusted based on the real time feedback from the students.
In the midst of the recent waves of Anti-Asain Hate crimes and attacks, this Camp class is particularly relevant and timely for our younger generations to learn more about the history of the pioneering Chinese Americans in the early time, and their contributions to America.
“华裔美国人的故事” - 介绍早期华裔移民对美国的贡献和积极影响:
-华裔美国人的朋友 - 赛珍珠
Requirement: Students MUST understand basic spoken Chinese. Top of Page
English Writing Grades 3-4 英文写作
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00am - Noon EDT, Sessions 1 & 2 Only
Instructor: Ms. Francine Lee-Kim (K-12 certified professional teacher, taught at our camp in past summers with great feedback from parents)
Students will explore various writing types such as poetry, functional writing, and narrative writing. Figurative language and other literary terms will be reviewed to add a rich description to their pieces. These young writers will be engaged in a step-by-step process that will leave them feeling confident. Top of Page
English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00am - 11:00am EDT, Session 1 Only
Instructor: Ms. Francine Lee-Kim
Students will explore various writing types such as argumentative/debate, informational, and narrative writing. The focus will be on honing their author’s craft - transforming systematic writing into pieces with depth and style. High-interest articles and short stories will be used as mentor text guides for their own writing. Top of Page
English Writing Grades 7-8 英文写作
Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Instructor: Mr. Peter Makoid (K-12 certified professional teacher, taught various grades in elementary and middle school.)
This course will encourage students to express themselves through the artistic act of writing. Students will explore various writing types such as persuasive, informational, narrative, and poetry writing. Articles, short stories, and examples of quality writing will serve to guide the direction of the course. Through practice, students will develop the writing abilities of detail, style, and voice. Top of Page
Intensive English Writing Grades 5-6 英文写作强化班
For advanced levels, 2 different teachers, different time slots, different books.
Mondays - Fridays 10:00am - 11:00am EDT, Session 2 Only
Instructor: Ms. Francine Lee-Kim, Novel is Restart by Gordon Korman
Mondays - Fridays 11:00am - Noon EDT, Sessions 2 & Session 3 Only
Instructor: Mr. Peter Makoid, Session 2 Novel is Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Session 3 Novel is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
- Daily three week course
- Designed to provide individualized feedback for creative and analytical writing
- Using a novel, students will engage in chapter analysis, apply Notice and Note in-depth reading strategies, and TDA writing.
- Even if the novel has been previously read independently, there is a wide variety of activities to reinforce and extend prior learning from school.
- By the end of the three weeks, students will have developed their ability to perform essential literary and writing skills in alignment with state standards.
- Commit to complete various reading and writing assignments outside of class. Top of Page
Math Enrichment Grades 3-4 数学
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00pm - 2pm EDT, Sessions 1 & 2 Only
Instructors: Mr. Kevin Macnamara (K-12 certified, taught at our camp in past summers with great feedback from parents, recognized by Today 96.5 as a Very Important Teacher in 2018)
This summer's math elective will offer a blend of math fact fluency and the development of enriched problem solving skills. The traditional school year is often focused on a very prescribed, individual method-based approach to learning. The teacher’s goal this summer is to move away from the “right way” to solve a problem, and facilitate learning that helps students develop problem solving skills that best match their individual methods of learning. The goal will be for students to leave this session with improved basic math concepts, as well as problem solving abilities and confidence with solving a variety of math problems. Top of Page
Math Enrichment Grades 5-6 数学
For advanced levels.
Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00am - 11:00am EDT, Sessions 1 & 2 Only
Instructor: Ms. Li Huimin (Sessions 1 & 2, University professor, frequently receives good feedback from parents); Ms. Li Yiquan (Session 3, B.S. in Math from UCLA)
Description: Students will develop more advanced mathematical skills and abstract reasoning in topics such as greatest common factor and least common multiple, fraction calculation, ratio and percentage, intermediate and more advanced geometry concepts. Students will be engaged in discussions of multiple methods of solving problems and use of visuals and other techniques to improve their analytical skills.
Session 1: 6/21, 6/23, 6/28, 6/30, 7/7
- Problem solving skills with integer numbers
- Mental calculation and speed math strategies
- Greatest common factor and least common multiple
- Fraction calculation
- Ratio and percentage calculation
Session 2: 7/12, 7/14, 7/19, 7/21, 7/26, 7/28
- Triangles areas and perimeters
- Circles areas and perimeters
- Angles and parallel lines
- Angles of triangles and quadrilaterals
- Volume and capacity
- Data analysis: mean, median, mode, quartiles, mean absolute deviation, IQ range
NEW: Session 3: 8/2, 8/4, 8/9, 8/11, 8/16, 8/18
Description: Students will develop more advanced mathematical skills and abstract reasoning in topics such as use of charts and tables, counting rules, probabilities and pre-algebra variable expressions and equations.
- Charts and tables
- Counting rules
- Probability
- Coordinates and ordered pairs
- Variable expressions and equations
- Linear equations Top of Page
Intensive Math Grades 5-6 数学强化班
Mondays - Fridays 11:00am - Noon EDT, Sessions 1 & 2 Only
Instructors: Mr. Kevin Macnamara
This course will focus on targeted instruction in the areas of mathematics that present a challenge to your individual child. The course will be using a combination of surveys and self-monitoring to identify skills and strategies that will be most beneficial in filling in gaps in learning, as well as identifying skills that will help prepare your child for the upcoming school year. This course will also facilitate learning that helps students develop problem solving skills that best match their individual methods of learning. The goal will be for students to leave this session with an understanding of how to identify areas of personal struggle and how to have a growth mindset towards improving in these areas, as well as problem solving abilities and confidence with solving a variety of math problems. Top of Page
Algebra Grades 7+ 代数
For advanced levels.
Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00am - 10:00am EDT
Instructors: Ms. Li Huimin (Sessions 1 & 2), Ms. Li Yiquan (Session 3)
Description: Students will learn strategies and good habits to solve one-variable and multi-variable linear equations, application of linear equations to ratio/percent/proportion/rate problems, graphing and interpreting of linear equations, solving inequalities, strategies to solve quadratic equations, etc. Students will be engaged to use multiple methods to solve problems and use graphing and other techniques to improve their analytical skills.
Session 1: 6/21, 6/23, 6/28, 6/30, 7/7
- Following the rules: simplification, distribution, subtraction and factoring
- One variable linear equation
- Multi-variable linear equation: substitution and elimination
- Ratio problems applied
- Graphing linear equations: Intercept and slope
Session 2: 7/12, 7/14, 7/19, 7/21, 7/26, 7/28
- Percentage problems
- Proportion and rate problems
- Inequalities
- Exponential function
- Quadratic equations: factoring and graphing
- Quadratic equations: transforming and completing the squares
NEW: Session 3: 8/2, 8/4, 8/9, 8/11, 8/16, 8/18
Description: Students will learn strategies and good habits to solve quadratic inequalities, more complex inequalities, functions, graphing and interpreting of functions, polynomials, exponential functions with applications, sequences and series, algebraic manipulations, and more.
- Inequalities
- Functions: domain and range, combining functions, composition and special functions
- Graphing functions: intercepts, interpretation, transformations
- Exponential equations
- Sequences and series: arithmetic/geometric sequences & series
- Special manipulations for solving equations and evaluating special expressions Top of Page
Computer Coding Grades 3-5 Scratch Animation and Game Programming 编程与动画
Fridays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Instructor: Mr. Sun Wei
Students will use Scratch to learn programming concepts by creating animation and games.
Session 1: Scratch - Get Started and Animation
Session 2: Scratch - Build Story and Music Video
Session 3: Scratch - Games
1. Enroll from Session 1 unless the student has programming experience, in which case need to consult the teacher on starting from Session 2 or Session 3.
2. Need parents to register an account on https://scratch.mit.edu/ for their kids.
3. Have one of the recommended books: please see attachment below. Top of Page
Computer Coding Grades 6-8 Python & PyGame Programming 编程与游戏
Fridays 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Instructor: Mr. Sun Wei
Learn programming while having fun in building your own game!
Students will learn programming by writing Python code with PyGame Library: first learn some basic programming skills and then learn to use Python code to build multiple games in PyGame.
Session1: Python basics with Turtle
Session2: Get started with PyGame
Session3: Use PyGame to build your Own Game
Enroll from Session 1 unless the student has programming experience, in which case they need to consult the teacher on starting from Session 2 or Session 3.
Students need a computer that can install and run Python
Students need to have some programming experience and be able to follow the rules in the game and the classroom.
Recommended books (optional): please see attachment below. Top of Page
International Chess Beginner (Ages 6+) & Intermediate (Ages 7+) 国际象棋
Beginner: Fridays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Intermediate: Fridays 11:00am - Noon EDT
Instructor: Mr. Tom Bartell
Students will learn how to play, and master the game of chess. The format will combine ZOOM and an online chess server to provide board access and a play space for students. Learning chess helps to develop critical thinking skills, enhances mental prowess and directly contributes to academic performance. Both beginning, and advanced students are welcome. Top of Page
Weiqi (Game of Go) 围棋 (Ages 6+)
Fridays 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Instructor: Mr. Tom Bartell
- Achieved 5 Dan ranking under the AGA (American Go Association)
- Former teaching assistant to professional player 丰云 Feng Yun of the Feng Yun Go School.
- Been playing over 20 years.
- Online lessons taught on a virtual board at online-go.com Top of Page
Public Speaking 公众演讲 (Grades 3-5, Grades 5+)
Grades 3-5: Mondays 2:00am - 3:00pm EDT
Grades 5+: Mondays 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Instructor: Toastmaster Ms. Shelly Xia
This class provides training in public speaking, including impromptu and prepared speeches. Students will increase their self-confidence and have fun while learning and making new friends. Each class focuses on a specific skill, including how to organize a speech, leverage body language and gestures, and manage voice and vocabulary. Students will learn to:
● Overcome nervousness when asked to speak before an audience
● Organize and present an idea logically and convincingly
● Listen carefully to others’ ideas
● Offer advice that will help others improve their speaking and leadership skills Top of Page
Calligraphy 中国书法 (Ages 7+)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Instructor: Ms. Xiao Wen
Students use Chinese brush and ink as they learn and practice from basic strokes to short phrases and poems in a meditative, relaxed atmosphere. The Class will work on assignments that are tailored to each student's level and ability. The class often begins with a demonstration, followed by time for individual attention, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Whether beginner or advanced, all levels and ages are welcomed. Top of Page
Drawing Beginner 绘画初级班 (Ages 6-10)
Small class size of 8 students.
Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Instructor: Ms. Zhang Guangyu
This course will introduce students to basic color theory and color scheme methods. Through appreciating and analyzing the painting work of famous paintings, students will be able to follow color theory and apply it to future art learning. Content will explain color concepts such as hue/value, primary color, secondary color, tertiary color, and warm/cool color. Students will get a better understanding of the color scheme by learning intermediate colors, complementary colors, and multi-color interaction. Content will also include simple color interaction and the psychology of color. During the creative practice period, students will be able to use multiple media to create work independently. Students will get inspiration by looking through the slides show, discuss with each other, and watching the teacher's demonstration.
Supplies Needed:
Color pencils, markers, crayons, watercolor set, 9”x12” watercolor or heavy pound drawing pad/paper. Ms. Zhang will send out email on supplies needed before first class.
Ms. Zhang will receive her Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia this May. Some of Ms. Zhang’s students’ works are:
Ms. Zhang’s own works can be seen at www.guangyuzhang.com Top of Page
Drawing Intermediate 绘画中级班 (Ages 10+)
Small class size of 8 students. Taught mainly in Mandarin.
彩铅1 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT. FULL FOR SESSION 1 & 3
ADD’L CLASS: 彩铅2 Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Drawings done in the two classes are different but techniques taught are similar.
Instructor: Mr. Zhang Benbiao
This course starts with learning the basics of drawing and sketching using colored pencils, and progresses to mastering the basics of realistic drawing through the practice of colored pencil techniques of lines, gradation, color layering and more, so as to improve their abilities to draw realistically. This class integrates still life sketching and cartoon drawing to improve the creativity of the content and the fun of learning. Through this class, patience and meticulous study habits can also be formed and artistic taste can also be cultivated.
Teaching method: send drawings of drawing steps, video teachers demonstrate the drawing process and comment on homework on site.
Supplies Needed: pencil, eraser, at least 36 colors of colored pencils, sketch pad (8x11 or 11x14), watch teacher on phone but needs to view teacher’s materials on larger screen like computer or iPad. Mr. Zhang will send out email on supplies needed before first class. Top of Page
Goal (Photo) Final Drawing
Chinese Classical and Folk Dance Beginner (Ages 7+) & Intermediate (Ages 8+) 传统民族舞蹈
Beginner: Mondays & Wednesdays 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Intermediate: Mondays & Wednesdays 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Instructor: Ms. Ma Weiwei
Students will receive foundational dance training including on flexibility, strength, and on the characteristics of Chinese Classical and Folk Dance. Our class will help students to improve on proper techniques, coordination, as well as train them to express their inner beauty through dance. Top of Page
Ukulele Beginner & Intermediate 尤克里里 (Ages 6+)
Beginner (Ages 6+) Fridays 10:00am - 11:00am
Intermediate (Ages 6+) Fridays 11:00am - Noon
Instructor: Ms. Zhang Jingwen
Students will learn to:
● Play basic scale, chords and rhythm patterns
● Sing at least two songs by the end of the class
Check out our MLCCC Spotlight interview of Ms. Zhang (in Chinese).
Requirements: Ukulele and enroll from Session 1. Cannot enroll mid-summer in Session 2 or Session 3 as students may not be able to follow if enrolled midway. Top of Page
Fashion & Craft DIY (Ages 8+)
Wednesdays & Fridays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Instructor: Ms. Chen Hui
Students will learn how to hand sew clothes and accessories from start to finish. Campers will complete a new project each class.
Course Projects: hat, scarf, handbag, tutu, pillow, hair accessories, Barbie doll dress,
stuffed animals, etc. Top of Page
Feel free to contact us at info@mlccc.org if you have any questions or would like to see a class offered more often or you have a new class recommendation.
Visit us at mlccc.herokuapp.com or www.mlccc.org for more details.
Please share our Camp info with friends and families, or via your social media. We offer Referral Bonus ($25 to a family that brings in a new student from a different family who enrolls for at least $300 payment of classes). Top of Page
Be safe. Stay healthy. See you at Camp.
MLCCC Admin Team
Version 05302021
2021 MLCCC Online Zoom Summer Camp Registration Details
Welcome to the 19th Year of Fun and Learning!
第十九届明朗夏令营欢迎您:丰富文化体验,拓展多面兴趣, 收货幸福童年!
Camp Dates: 6/21/2021 - 8/20/2021 Monday - Friday 9 Weeks (No Class Monday, July 5)
Minimum age required: 5 years old
Minimum enrollment to run a class: 5 students
All classes will be taught through ZOOM.
Class size of 10-12 (8 for Drawing and larger for Chess to do tournaments)
Register by Session.
Class content DIFFERS by Session.
Session 1: 6/21 - 7/9 (3 weeks minus 1 day)
Session 2: 7/12 - 7/30 (3 weeks)
Session 3: 8/2 - 8/20 (3 weeks)
All grades referenced are next SEPTEMBER grades.
All ages referenced are summer ages.
Notable Classes:
Enroll in CHL-C or CHL-D and get a 50% Discount on the "Road Trip to Ancient Civilizations" class and the "Pioneering Chinese Immigrants in US" class.
* Penn Museum Virtual Guided Tour by Penn Museum Guide 沈力
* Chinese Immigrant History Class by Editor-in-Chief of 美华史记
* Intensive Writing Camp For Grades 5-6, taught by K-12 certified teacher, different book from last year
* Intensive Math Camp For G5-6, taught by K-12 certified teacher
* English Writing For G7-8
* Algebra For G7+
* new Drawing Intermediate teacher Mr. Zhang Benbiao 张本彪 (辅导学生得过全美一等奖)
* new Drawing Beginner teacher Ms. Zhang Guangyu
* Weiqi (Game of Go) by Mr. Tom Bartell (Master in Chess, 5 Dan in Weiqi Teacher)
* Fashion DIY
Registration Fee: $30 registration fee waived if Full Payment by 5/21/2021.
Discounts (Choose 1 of 3):
1) 10% discount for 2020-2021 MLCCC Weekend School student, or
2) 10% discount for Additional Sibling (sibling with the lower tuition gets the 10%), or
3) 5% discount for Return Camper (Return Camper is a student, not a family unit, who attended last summer and paid at least $150 of tuition). Ask us if you do not know whether you qualify as a Return Camper.
7% Whole Summer discount can apply on top of the above 1 of 3 discounts multiplicatively:
$100 tuition x 0.90 MLCCC Weekend School discount x 0.93 Whole Summer discount = $83.70
MUST enroll in a class EVERY DAY for the entire 9 weeks to qualify for the Whole Summer discount (Note: If a student only enrolls in Tuesday & Thursday classes for all summer, does not qualify for Whole Summer Discount. Need to also enroll in Monday Wednesday Friday classes such that the student has a class every day, to qualify for Whole Summer Discount.)
Referral Bonus:
$25 to a family that brings in a new student from a different family who enrolls for at least $300 payment of classes. A “new student” is someone who has never attended any MLCCC camps before whether in-person or virtual.
Cancellation Policy:
Notify camp administrators 1 week in advance and 90% of the canceled class tuition is refunded.
Adding Class Policy:
If a student is already enrolled, no fee to add more classes for that student.
But if only one sibling is enrolled and needs to enroll another sibling, there is a $30 registration fee if past 5/21/2021.
Payment Methods: Venmo (preferred), PayPal (use Friends & Family), or mailing a check
Add comment "MLCCC 2021 Camp and Student Name":
1) Venmo Account: qunbinxiong@mlccc.org (for verification, last 4 digits of phone # is 0823)
2) PayPal Account: qunbinxiong@mlccc.org OR jchou@mlccc.org
3) Check payable to "MLCCC"; mail to Main Line Chinese Culture Center, P. O. Box 745, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
$30 registration fee waived if Full Payment by 5/21/2021.