Black Eyed Susan Tapestry

CSD presents:

BEST 2024: The Spring Edition

Thursday March 7, 2024, 9:30am-1:30 p.m.

Online Via Zoom* 

Members: $25.00 Non-members: $37.50 

Student/Retired/Unemployed/Friend: $12.50 

Love talking about books? Join us for BEST 2024: The Spring Edition, a celebration of Children’s and Teen Fiction.  Learn about the Black-Eyed Susan Award and participate, via Zoom, in a half day of small group discussions of some of the 2023-2024 Juvenile and Teen Fiction nominees. Wendy Shang, author of The Secret Battle of Evan Pao, will be our keynote speaker.

Program check-in begins at 9:25 a.m., and the program will start at 9:30 a.m.  There will be two discussion groups, meeting twice, so that you can participate in both a Grades 3-5 and a Grades 6-12 discussion group. Contact Joe Farmarco or Noel Knepper for more info.

Reading Lists:

Group 1, Grades 3-5 

Group 2, Grades 6-12 

Please read all the titles for each group.

This program has been approved for 3.5 contact hours of continuing education.

Registration deadline is February 22nd, 2024.


*Zoom link will be sent on March 5, 2024, to registrants.