The Works Cited List: Formatting


You've learned a little about formatting citations. Now let's take a look at formatting your works cited list. This is important because 1) online databases are key sources for information, and 2) the way you format your works cited list is just as critical as getting the citations correct!


  1. Review the information about using citations in Galileo and about formatting the works cited list.

  2. Answer the self-check questions at the end.

  3. Go to Part 4, The Paper.

Copying and Pasting Citations

Using Galileo Citations

When you find a source in a database, check out the Cite button. For example, in Galileo it's on the right side of your screen. This is a handy way to get most of the elements of your citation all in one place! However, there are some things to look for when you copy and paste it in your reference list.

When you copy a citation, look for problems like:

  • Missing or incorrect italics

  • Missing or incorrect capitalization

  • Missing elements like doi or page numbers

When you paste a citation, look for problems like:

  • Font and letter size differences

  • Crazy formatting like underlines and line breaks

  • Lack of hanging indent

Screenshot of the right side of a source in Galileo highlighting the Cite button. It is the sixth button down under the Tools header.

Image of Galileo source screenshot

Formatting the Works Cited List

Alphabetize Sources

Make sure to alphabetize all of your sources by the author's last name. If the source does not have an author, then alphabetize by title omitting "A", "An", and "The".

Hanging Indent

A hanging indent is when the first line of a paragraph is not indented but the following lines are. This type of indent is used when formatting a reference page or annotated bibliography.

Works Cited List Example

MLA Works Cited Example