Machine Learning for Nowcasting

September 9-11, 2020

A Met Office Academic Partnership workshop to bring together experts in Machine Learning and Nowcasting

We are in the midst of renewed endeavour in machine learning across scientific disciplines. Advances in machine learning and data science have the potential to drive the next generation of weather forecasting capabilities from 0 to 2 hours ahead: Nowcasting.

Simulation-based approaches to weather forecasting, by solving the physical equations that describe the weather, take longer to run than the decision-making timescales for some weather-sensitive operations. Examples being connected and autonomous vehicles, managing airspace, water systems and emergency response.

This virtual workshop aims to build a community of machine learning and meteorology experts to explore the full potential of machine learning and observational data sets for nowcasting applications. Participation is limited to those affiliated to the Met Office Academic Partnership member institutions, or by invitation.

Key dates:

Abstract submission closes: 15th July 2020

Registration closes: 25th August 2020

Workshop themes

Nowcasting research, state-of-the-art and user perspectives.

Machine learning

Observing our atmosphere and driving the nowcast - current capabilities and future opportunities.

Workshop programme

Invited speakers

Poster sessions with lightning talks (selected from abstract submission)

Discussions sessions, panel Q&A

Agenda Overview

Wednesday 9th September, 2020

  • 09:00 - 11:30 - Welcome, Invited talk - Nowcasting, Discussion session.

  • 14:00 - 16:00 - Poster session

Thursday 10th September, 2020

  • 09:00 - 11:30 - Welcome, Invited talk - Machine Learning, Discussion session.

  • 14:00 - 16:00 - Poster session

Friday 11th September, 2020

  • 09:00 - 11:30 - Welcome, Invited talk - Observations, Discussion session.

  • 14:00 - 16:00 - Whitepaper discussion

Invited Speakers

Rachel Prudden

University of Exeter / Met Office Informatics Lab Scientist

Suman Ravuri


Jennifer Fletcher

University of Leeds

Dawn Harrison

Met Office Observing Networks Design

Paul Davies

Met Office Chief Meteorologist / University of Leeds

Registration and Abstract Submission

Abstracts - submission closed

If you would like to present your work at the workshop, please submit an abstract using the link below. All presentations will be in the form of posters plus a pre-recorded lightning talk which will be need to be submitted in late August.


A primary goal of the workshop is to build a community, therefore we strongly encourage you to submit a short bio and a photo for publication on this website, as part of your registration.

After the workshop

With your permission, the pdfs and talks submitted to the workshop will be published on this website to faciliate engagement with the wider community.

Abstract submission closes:

15th July 2020

Registration closes:

25th August 2020