
Virtual Conference

Due to the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, ICML 2020 will be a virtual conference. While we were very much looking forward to meeting everyone in person, we support this as the right path forward in this difficult time.

You can read the statement from the ICML 2020 organizers here:


The Machine Learning for Media Discovery (ML4MD) workshop is a part of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).

In order to attend ML4MD, you must be registered for ICML. Registration for virtual ICML is just $25 for students and $100 for regular attendees. This will provide access to all ICML sessions.

Register here:

Workshop Livestream Portal Page

Machine Learning for Media Discovery 2020 will be live streamed and available anywhere in the world.

Registered attendees can access all live content here:

Oral Presentations and Live Q&A

To view oral presentations, simply tune into the livestream at the correct time for the talk that you would like to see.

If you'd like to ask a question you will need to jump into the Zoom session. The Zoom Q&A will be broadcast across the livestream to all viewers, so please remain in the Zoom session only until your question is answered. Afterwards, please switch back out to the regular livestream. The livestream can accommodate many more participants than the Zoom.

See the screenshot below to enter the Zoom session to ask a question:

Poster Sessions

The workshop contains two identical poster sessions. The same posters will be presented twice to optimize everyone's ability to discuss with poster presenters.

PDF versions of all posters can be found on our Program page.

Each poster will be presented live within its own Zoom session. Zoom links can be found by clicking on either poster session link on the livestream schedule page.

See the image below as an example. We have decided to only share these inside of the website as only registered attendees will be able to see them. They won't be posted prior to the day of the event. We need to be extra careful with security here to prevent Zoom bombing or other unwelcome activity. Please be extremely considerate of this when sharing Zoom links.


The workshop portal page also contains a chat window using RocketChat. Please feel free to use this to interact with other participants of the workshop however you see fit. This is also a great place to ask general questions about the workshop.

For live talk Q&A, however, we recommend using the Zoom meeting. Zoom has its own embedded chat, and we recommend using this if you need to ask your question via chat. It's possible the moderator may miss additional questions in the Rocket.Chat.

That said, this is a fine place to put your questions after the Q&A time has expired.

NOTE: You gain much more functionality if you click the square in the top right. It opens a new tab with what is essentially a fully functional Slack. You can direct message, discuss in public channels, etc.