Program Committee

We are extremely grateful for the guidance and support of our international program committee without whom this workshop would not be possible. The committee is chaired by Artur Dubrawski.

Alvaro Riascos (Quantil)

Artur Dubrawski (Carnegie Mellon University) -- Committee Chair

Benedikt Boecking (Carnegie Mellon University)

Bill Thies (Microsoft Research)

Emma Brunskill (Stanford University)

Ernest Mwebaze (Google Ghana)

Jen Ziemke (John Carroll University)

Jerzy Wieczorek (Colby College)

Michael Melese (Addis Ababa University)

Mutembesa Daniel (Makarere University)

Nazmus Saquib (MIT)

Rediet Abebe (Cornell University)

Shahrzad Gholami (University of Southern California)

Skyler Speakman (IBM Africa)

Stefano Ermon (Stanford University)

Tewodros Abebe (Addis Ababa University)

Timnit Gebru (Google AI)