Call for papers

Accepted papers:

Links: TBA

Papers should be submitted on CMT3 by 13th October, 2023

Submission URL:

We invite research papers on Machine Learning for Investor Modeling. The scope and topics include (broadly defined and not limited to) on machine learning (ML) models for recommender systems and investor modelling that: 

We also invite tutorials and introductory papers to bridge the gap between academia and the financial industry:

Overview of Industry Challenges

Algorithmic Tutorials

Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be PDFs formatted in the Standard ACM Conference Proceedings Template (or, ACM LaTeX templates, use the sigconf template). Submissions are limited to 4-8 content pages, including all figures and tables but excluding references. 

Following the conference submission policy, reviews are double-blind, and author names and affiliations should NOT be listed.

Accepted Papers

Papers that are accepted will be presented as oral presentations, depending on schedule constraints. Abstracts of accepted papers will be posted on the workshop website but will not be archived online by the workshop. Accepted papers will be invited to submit full manuscripts to the Special Issue on "Statistical and Machine Learning for Investor Modelling" in the Journal of Behavioral Finance.