
Research Grants

Norwegian Research Council, 2012

External versus internal credit ratings: implications for rating stability and accuracy

Co-investigator: John Kiff

Amount: NOK 540,000

Norwegian Research Council, 2017

Finding market timing patterns when they are unlikely to exist

Co-investigator: Loreta Rapushi

Part of a successful larger grant application by the Department of Finance (NHH)

Professional activities

Program Committee Member

Accounting: Northeast Region Meeting of the AAA; Annual Meeting of the AAA

Finance: WFA (2014 - current), EFA (2015 - current), EFMA (2018 - current), DGF (2018 - current), IFABS (2015), WU Gutmann Center Symposium (2017 - 2015), FMA Asia (2011), EWSF (2011)

Ad-hoc Referee

Accounting: Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; European Accounting Review; China Accounting and Finance Review;

Finance: Journal of Finance; Review of Finance; Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis; Journal of Financial Intermediation; Journal of Empirical Finance

Associate Editor

Journal of Pension Economics and Finance (current - 2016)

Lead Organizer NFI Summer School

Summer school hosted by the Norwegian Oil Fund.

Director FinansBergen

Director of fundraising centre to foster academic research at NHH (2017 - 2019).

Professional Experience

Oslo Economics: Consulting, Oslo (Norway)

Regional Court of Appeals: Expert Judge, Trondheim (Norway)

International Monetary Fund: PhD Internship Program, Washington (USA)

European Central Bank: PhD Internship Program, Frankfurt (Germany)

Burkenroad Reports: Equity Research Analyst Program offered by A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University