Keynote/Invited/Expert Presentation/Lectures

  • Delivered lecture on “Hydrological Impacts of climate change” at University of Missouri, Missori, USA
  • Delivered lecture on “Climate Change and Hydrologic Modeling: Challenges and opportunities” at Missouri Water Resources Research Center, Columbia, USA
  • Delivered lecture on “Some climate change studies at IIT Guwahati” at School of Civil Engineering, AUTH, Greece,
  • Delivered lecture on “A Comparative evaluation of carbon footprint of municipal solid waste in states and major cities in India: An insight” DST-Royal Society Sponsored INDO-UK International Scientific Seminar on “Sustainable Solid Waste Management for Cities: Opportunities in SARC Countries”, NEERI, Nagpur
  • Invited lecture on “Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Soil in Rainfed Areas and Management” at National Institute of Rural Development
  • Invited for lecture on Short Term Course on “Hydrological Modeling : Recent Advances” at NIT Silchar
  • Invited to attend DST’s Brainstorming Meeting on Study of Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Coupling and Extreme Events (SOLACE)
  • Delivered talk on “Statistical Downscaling: Understanding and Applications” at Dept. of Earth Sciences and Environment, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada

Workshop/Short Term Courses Coordinated

  • TEQIP Short term course on “Recent advances in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering”, April 22- 27, 2019, IIT Indore, Role: Coordinator,
  • TEQIP Short Term Course on “Sustainable Water Resources Management under Changing Climate ”, May 28- June 02, 2018, Role: Coordinator
  • GIAN International course on "Optimization Methods to Groundwater Resources Management" from 07-11 March 2016, Role: Coordinator
  • Workshop on “Indo - Japan Workshop for Rainfall Disaster and Human Adaptability”, March, 2016, Role: Co-Coordinator
  • Workshop on “Research opportunities in Hydrology and Water Resources under Climate Change”, April 03, 2015, Role: Co-Coordinator
  • TEQIP Short Term Course on “Water Resources Management and Climate Change Impacts Assessment”, December 22-26, 2014, Role: Coordinator

Member of Scientific Committee

  • International Scientific Committee member of the Protection and Restoration XIV International Conference, Thessaloniki, from July 3-6, 2018.
  • Advisory board member of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (ETWREE 2017)
  • Scientific Committee member of the 13th International Protection and Restoration of the Environment (PRE) Conference, Mykonos Island, Greece, July 2016.
  • Chairman and Editor for International conference on Residual Science and Environment (ICRSE 2015), Dec 4-6, Beijing, China
  • Organizing Committee Member for The 2nd Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2014), Beijing
  • Technical Program Committee Member for Winter International Conference of Environmental Engineering and Science (WICEES 2013) Yueyang, Hunan
  • Organizing Committee Member for The 5th Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2016), July 2016, Suzhou, China
  • Organizing Committee Member for The 4th Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2015), July 2015, Shanghai, China
  • Organizing Committee Member for The 3rd Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2014), Dec 2014, Suzhou, China.
  • Organizing Committee Member for The 2nd Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2014), June 2014, Beijing, China
  • Technical Program Committee Member for Winter International Conference of Environmental Engineering and Science (WICEES 2013) Yueyang, Hunan

Professional Membership

  • Member -American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Life Member- Indian Science Congress Association
  • Life Member- Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Member-International Society for Environmental Information Sciences (ISEIS), Canada
  • Member-Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES)
  • Member-International Association of Engineers (IAENG)