
Real Brains

See real brains on display and learn about the various parts that make up the most complex structure in the known universe.

The Virtual Brain

Play with an interactive, high-definition 3D digital model of the brain.

Perception: How the brain constructs our reality

Discover how the brain creates the images you see and the sounds you hear, and learn about the many ways your brain can trick you. 

Memory: How the brain remembers and forgets

Learn how the brain creates, stores, retrieves, and loses memories.

Executive Functions

Learn how the frontal lobes can control other parts of the brain to allow us to make decisions and achieve our goals.

The Neuron

Explore the microstructure of brain cells and play with an interactive mechanical model to learn how they communicate.

The Electrical Brain

Discover what we can learn about the brain by studying the electrical activity it generates.

Functional Brain Imaging

Learn about the latest technologies used by scientists to study how mental processes are implemented in the brain.

Brain Disorders and Their Effects on the Mind

Learn about some of the most common brain disorders and recent advances in understanding their causes. 

The Evolution of the Brain

Discover how the human brain evolved from simple nerve nets in pre-historic jellyfish to its current form over a period of 600 million years.

Brain-related activities for children 

Puzzles, games, and other hands-on activities that introduce basic concepts of neuroscience to children of all ages.