Neamiah Diggs

Neamiah is from Harrisburg High School and was nominated by Domineak Commodore. Neamiah has been challenged with raising himself in a single parent home. Although academics are not a focus of his peer group or his family, Neamiah shown resilience and worked hard to achieve the grades he needed to attend college. Neamiah showed talent in wrestling at an early age and found a group of people who truly love and care about his success. Unlike many of his peers he sought out a group of people who gave him support, showed him love and genuinely wanted him to succeed. Neamiah did not want to be another statistic. Neamiah used his coaches and teammates to develop himself into a strong young man and overcome all the challenges in his young life.

Neamiah plans on attending Edinboro University to study Education.

Domineak says about Neamiah, "Neamiah was not always on the correct path; he had struggles, inner demons, apathetic feelings toward school, and many other adverse challenges. Neamiah sought out a scenario where these things would not hold him back but allow him to cope with them and become a strong young man. Neamiah has become a strong leader, member in the community and an excellent student."

Congratulations & Good Luck, Neamiah!