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A Publication of Malaysian Pharmacists Society

MALAYSIAN JOURNAL of PHARMACY is a professional journal with an registered International Standard Serial Number ISSN 1675 - 3666 covering various aspects of pharmacy. It is published by, and is the official journal of the Malaysian Pharmacists Society on a yearly basis.

Aims and Scope

The journal aims to keep local pharmacists, scientists and others in the related areas in touch with the profession, as well as to encourage research and publication. This will be a means of fostering closer personal and research oriented relationships between practising pharmacists and the scientific community.

The scope of the journal includes research performed clinically, community, lab-based, social administrative based, Pharmacy Education as well as industrial related. Relevant contents from academicians, pharmacy student (final year projects), pharmaceutical industrial research, as well as the mandatory research by provisionally registered pharmacy (PRP) are also welcome. Special Issue may also be considered for current hot topic. The Editors and the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society welcome papers for publication in the Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy. This peer-reviewed journal covers areas related to Pharmacy in the form of Short Communication, Original Research Article, Case Study, Reviews, and Book.

The Publisher reserves copyright and renewal on all published materials, and such material may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Publisher

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