the Japanese notion of wabi-sabi, which she defined as a respect for and love of the imperfect.
Kremmling Library
Monday, Thursday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday, Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Hold down Ctrl when you click a link to stay on your current page while opening the link in a new tab in the background.
(or, if you have a 3 button mouse, just click the middle button)
Likewise, use Ctrl-Shift-click to open link in new tab and switch to it. <-- this is my favorite
(or, if you have a 3 button mouse, just hold down the Shift key while you click the middle button)
Also, Shift-click to open a link in a new window.
All this works with trackpads, too!
?share=1 - put at end of url - skip logon window popup
Presta (sclaverand or french) valve
Schrader valve (cars)
How to type " " in Windows? hold alt type + type 3 0 0 0 release alt.
?share=1 - put at end of url - skip logon window popup
Deer aren't grazers like elk, they're browsers and they need forbs, not grass.
There are 10 types of people in the world, Those who understand binary and those who don't.
This website is = - Origin Portal Project Home