Exhibit 9 - Business Card

This graphic combines text and an image to create a stylish business card.

Fonts Used

  • Avenir

    • Black

    • Light

Images Used

  • pexels-thorn-yang-154161

Free image download from www.pexels.com

My Intentions

I wanted to create a stylish, yet simple, business card using some of the techniques covered in "How to Design Cool Stuff" by John McWade. I followed his steps for creating a business card that combines a portrait image with a gradient.

My Photoshop Skills

I used a number of techniques in Photoshop, including:

  • Filling a layer with a color pulled from the photo background.

  • Adjusting the opacity on the photo layer.

  • Adding a gradient to blend the background and the image more seamlessly.

  • Adding text to the top layer and adjusting the sizing and spacing of the text.

My Design Considerations

Color and Repetition

I pulled all of the colors from the background of the image to make a cohesive graphic that repeats colors throughout.


I kept all of the contact information together to suggest they are one element on the card. I set the name of the business apart to make it stand out more.

Typography and Contrast

I used a Sans Serif font to keep the look very modern and simple. I used a bold setting for the name of the business and a light setting for the contact information to create contrast.


I used the top left alignment to ensure the information on the card was the first thing viewers would see and read.

Revised Image

I made the following revisions:

  • Created more space between the text and the edges of the card.

  • Reduced the size of the text to create more white space.

  • Changed the background color to a gray tone so the card didn't look washed out.

  • Darkened the text color so it is easier to read.