
My name is Erik Knight, and I have been a computer enthusiast since the early 1990s and have built my own computer systems since my first, well over 20 years ago. In the early 2000s I worked installing the wiring and equipment for On-Q Home Structured Wiring Network Systems.

I have been a teacher for nine years now and for the last four years I have taught middle school kids how to effectively use technology in a constantly changing world and the different ways they can empower themselves with the use of technology. I currently teach Engineering, Media, and Computer Science classes at Andrew Carnegie Middle School in Orangevale, CA. I successfully completed the Industrial and Technology Education CSET exam and I am credentialed in Industrial and Technology Education.

This project is a way I supplement my pay as a teacher and helps me to support my family (especially in those lean summer months). Besides that, I want to use the skills I've picked up over the years in my time as a technology hobbyist and teacher to help other people make the most out of technology in their own lives.

If you have a project you have been waiting to complete because you don't know how to get it done, or you would like to learn how to make better use of technology in your own life, contact me today!