Monthly Newsletter

April 2024


The year is flying by!  Only 43 more days left! As we continue into the 3rd trimester, please remind your child to continue to do their best, including always using their neatest handwriting and using class time wisely.

Important Dates

April 5: Spirit Day   

April 17: K-12 Memorial Mass 9:30

April 22-26: Spring Book Fair

April 25: Art Show 7:00 

April 26: Grandparent’s Day!   Mass 10:00

May 8: Holy Communion Mass 9:30

Curriculum Updates

Reading: We are working through our fifth unit of Wonders. We’ve been learning about prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, and antonyms.  

Phonics: We’ve been working to understand vowel digraphs, pairs, and diphthongs; also known as oo, ea, au, aw, ou, ow, oi, oy. It’s a bit confusing at times to remember all those rules! Learning how to change base words to add endings is also challenging, such as when to double the last consonant and drop the “e” to add the ending. 

Spelling tests sure look great on Fridays!  Way to work hard 2nd graders!! 

It has been great to see so many students participating in Reading for Recess! Keep up the fantastic work!  Students should return March calendars.

Math: We are working through our unit on telling time and calendars. This can be a very difficult concept for students. Any extra practice that you can do at home to help build confidence would be great! Our next unit is place value to 1000. Our class has shown growth in their fluency of basic addition and subtraction facts. Keep practicing at home! Our second grade goal is to complete 100 facts within five minutes accurately by the end of the year to be ready for 3rd grade. 

English: We finished our unit on adjectives. We continue to practice capitalization, punctuation, and grammar in all of our daily writing. Our April theme will be oceans! We will begin studying the ocean, its living creatures, and our environment. 

Science/Social Studies: We began our new science unit: rocks, sand, and silt. Students are enjoying studying different types of rocks and their properties. 

Our next social studies unit will cover economics. 

Good wishes to all those who will receive First Communion in the coming weeks!  It is such an important and exciting milestone!  

I hope you and your family have a joyous Easter together! 

God Bless,

Bailey Wulf & Nevaeh Camp