F.A.Q./ Help

2022 FINAL Second Grade Supply List.pdf

What supplies do I need for the 2022-2023 school year?

Please see the PDF attached for our updated school supply list!

How can I practice Math Fluency?

We use a program called Xtra Math to keep our math fluency sharp throughout the year! Students are all logged in, and it is saved as a bookmark on their Chromebook. I can track and view their progress throughout the year.

How can I study spelling?

It is important to practice your words each week in your speckled notebook. The attached document shows many ways you can have fun practicing your words! This practice will be completed at home. There is no need to send the notebook back and forth to school.

What will we be learning this year?

Here you will find each subject and the units we will be learning each quarter.

Open House- White 2022-2023

Where can I find lots of great information about our Classroom?

In case you were unable to attend open house, or would like the slideshow for reference, you will find it attached here!