Boarding School Abuse Lawyer in Missouri

Legal Rights of Survivors of Boarding School Abuse in Missouri

Survivors of boarding school abuse in Missouri have legal rights that are designed to protect their well-being and provide them with avenues for justice. Here are some of the key legal rights that survivors can assert in Missouri:

It's important to note that the legal rights of survivors may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the abuse and the applicable laws in Missouri. Consulting with an experienced boarding school abuse lawyer can provide survivors with a comprehensive understanding of their rights and options for seeking justice.

Reed Martens, Esq.

Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Monsees & Mayer, P.C

4717 Grand Ave. #820,
Kansas City, MO 64112
(816) 319-3700
2CR7+HX Kansas City, Missouri

Types of Abuse At A Boarding School

In Missouri, our school sexual abuse law firm handles a wide range of boarding school abuse cases, ensuring that survivors have the legal support they need. Here are some types of boarding school abuse cases we handle:

These are just some examples of the types of boarding school abuse cases we handle in Missouri. Each case is unique, and our legal team is dedicated to providing personalized attention and tailored legal strategies to help sexually abused survivors seek justice and obtain the compensation they deserve.

If you or your loved one has been a victim of any form of boarding school abuse and trauma in Missouri, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our compassionate and experienced legal team is here to support you every step of the way.

Ongoing Boarding School Cases in Missouri

There are several lawsuits filed against both Agape and Circle Of Hope boarding schools, learn more about the accusations these schools face.

Agape Boarding School Lawsuit

The lawsuits filed assert that former students experienced abuse during their time under the care of Agape Boarding School. Additionally, the legal claims shares allegations that the school possessed prior knowledge of multiple instances of abuse, yet neglected to take any appropriate action before the students' enrollment.

Circle Of Hope Girls Ranch Lawsuit

According to the lawsuit, a girl endured instances where she was coerced to perform military push-ups and remain against the wall for extended durations, lasting up to two weeks. Additionally, as a result of being subjected to force-feeding, she developed an eating disorder.

Free Case Evaluations - Our Sexual Abuse Attorneys Are Here For You & Your Loved Ones

If you or a loved one is a victim of sexual abuse in a boarding school, you deserve justice and a chance to reclaim your life. Our dedicated team of boarding school abuse lawyers in Missouri is here to help you navigate through this difficult journey. We have the expertise, experience, and compassion needed to fight for your rights and hold those responsible accountable. We understand the unique challenges survivors face and are committed to providing personalized legal representation tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today for a confidential consultation, and let us be your voice in seeking justice and healing. You don't have to face this alone – we're here to support you every step of the way.

Our experienced team of lawyers has compiled a list of Sex Trauma Therapists in Missouri, read more.

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