Link to my new website: https://lassietranslations.com/

Hi, welcome to my translation site. My name is Lassie, and I'll be posting translated chapters of Dear Anonymous Sponsor and This is a Drugstore, Not a Tea House here. Here are some rules that I'd like you to follow before you read my translations.

Please READ and FOLLOW the rules accordingly:

  • Do NOT repost/re-upload or share my translations on any of your social media accounts.

  • Do NOT steal my translations and claim them as yours.

  • Do NOT reproduce or copy my translations.

Thank you so much for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy my translations! You can find all the novels I'm currently translating in the navigation bar.

NOTES: As of March 14th, 2021

SCHEDULE: The schedule for Dear Anonymous Sponsor and This is a Drugstore, Not a Tea House is random until I reach 10 chapters.