7th Grade ILA

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7th Grade English with Ms. Hamman

In ILA we will be exploring all types of grade-appropriate literary techniques, literary devices, novels, and grammar. The goal of 7th grade is to enrich the reading and writing aspect of all students.

Through the reading workshop, students will interpret varying novels both independent and class. The purpose of this is to improve comprehension and reading strategies.

Through the writing workshop, students will write in varying genres to develop their writing techniques. They will learn the craft of writing through daily and long-term practices.


These will be utilized everyday in class.


Post-it notes (at least 3 packs)

2 subject notebook and a composition notebook

Headphones that can be plugged into Chromebook

Personal Tissues

Pencil Sharpener


Independent reading book

"Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic"


Ms. Hamman
