Miss Breshears Kindergarten Class

Hello my name is Miss Breshears, and I will be your child's kindergarten teacher. I am so excited to see how this year will go! This is my second year teaching, but this is my first year teaching kindergarten which is my favorite age to work with! I graduated this past May with my B.S. in Elementary Education. I am a former Valley Academy student class of 2012. Before I was a teacher, I worked at a movie theater for 5 years and then came to work here at Valley as a preschool aide for two years, kindergarten aide for one year, last year I was a preschool teacher and now I  am here!

When I am not working I am with my fiancé  Christopher and our two dogs, Beau and Ellie, watching baseball or catching up on our latest show! I also enjoy being around my family!

I am so excited to see what this school year has to offer! :)