Learning Resources

Sight Words

Spelling Words


Addition Strategies

Count on – start with the greater addend and count on 1, 2, or 3

3+6=?... 6+3... 6, 7, 8, 9... 3+6=9

Doubles – the addends are the same, so add the same amount twice


Double plus one – double the smaller addend and add one more

5+6=?... 5+5=10... 10+1=11.... 5+6=11

Doubles minus one – double the larger addend and take away one

4+5=?... 5+5=10... 10-1=9... 4+5=9

Make a ten – decompose one of the addends to make a ten

8+5=?... 8+2=10... 10+3=13... 8+5=13

Subtraction Strategies

Count back – start with the larger addend and count back 1, 2, or 3

9-2=?... 9, 8,7... 9-2=7

Think addition – use addition facts you already know to solve subtraction facts

12-5=?... 5+7=12...12-5=7

Use 10 – Use a ten frame to help you subtract

17-8=?... start at 8... count up 2 to make 10... count up 7 more to 17... you counted up 9... 17-8=9

Break apart - break apart a number to help you subtract. Use ten frames to think about ten.

13-4=?... place 13 counters in two ten frames... subtract 3 to get 10.... then subtract 1 more to subtract 4... 13-4=9