Snow Day 2

Dear Parents,

Please do not do any of the packets ahead of time. The students will be given instructions on the snow day what is needed for them to be completed virtually. If we have a Snow Day tomorrow, we will do the following instructions to go on virtually.

V-8:30- please log on to Google Classroom using the 2029 email students were given. It is on the inside front cover of spiral copybook in orange. Click on the Join and click on JOIN.again. Students cannot log on before this time. You will need to refresh if you log on before this time. Please have students mute the microphone. Students will have virtual instructions for our Snow Day Packet. 10:00-10:30- Independent Activity to complete the Snow Day Packet. 10:35- Students will log off! Please remember to have the completed packet in the folder and return on Monday.

Thank you, The First Grade Teachers

Snowmen at Night Read Aloud

Snowmen at Night Read Aloud Song