
In development

Lil hat

Lil hat is a game made by imgamedevingrn in scratch, and that was remade by us to make it a full game with fun gameplay and a lot of content!

Plan: Domination

Plan: Domination is a game that still in development, it's planned that you are an alien from an advanced alien species, and your mision it to search for the weakness and history of recently found alien species that might be hostile.

Game not out

Planned with some assets

Great fighter's smackdown

Great fighter's smackdown is a fighting fame with a variety in abilities and design, it's planned to be a multiplayer with self host to play with friends!

Project F

The first planned game we tryed to make, still in development, but with a lot of progress.

Not in development

Not in development


Placeholder is game were a default capsule is erased and ends in the void, an infinite darkness, but not entirely, some erased cubes, planes and other objects build a world there, but you don't want to be there, you want to end in the game, but the other don't want that, and if you want to escape, with a bit of creativity, every cube is a shotgun!

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