"A little progress every day adds up to BIG results."- Satya Nadella
Siddhant came top 5 out of 80k participants in Amazon ML challenge
Oditi's team came 2nd in IBM SkillsBuild in AIML Challenge.
Anushka Saini got selected for 6 months internship at Zynga in 2025.
Lavanya got selected MARSS 2024 in Sozhou, China.
Advika Thakur won the American Express Makeathon 2024. She got an internship at American Express.
Palak Handa has joined Danube Private University, Ausitra as a Scientist.
Nishu Pandey got selected at Texas Instruments WiSH Program in 2024.
Sania got into Taiwan Education Internship Program in 2024.
Nishu Pandey received Alstom India Scholarship 2023-2024
Palak Handa got selected for the lecture course at RIKEN center of brain science, Tokyo, Japan from July 8-12, 2024.
Charvi Bansal was offered an internship and FTE role at British Telecom.
Deepti Chhabra got selected for SWE Internship at Google.
Sakshi Tiwari got selected for SWE Internship at Microsoft.
Harshita Mangotra Secured a Placement at Ion Group.
Tanisha Singh got selected for SWE Internship at Adobe.
Manika Joshi was offered FTE role at Microsoft.
Nikita Garg was offered FTE role at Barclays.
Nishu Pandey got selected to attend Vivo Ignite Summit 2024
Palak Handa won the Young Investigator Award and Academic Grant in KSGE, South Korea.
Lavanya, Nishu Pandey and Tanisha Singh received Grace Hopper Celebration scholarship.
Sonali got selected for Outreachy Internship programme.
Palak Handa and Lavanya got selected for Women in Tech Global (WTGC) conference scholarship.
Trusha Talati and Akshat Bhat won the fourth prize in the hackathon.
Deepti Chhabra secured 1st place | Nikita Garg and Charvi Bansal secured 2nd place in IEEE IGDTUW's WIEMPOWER hackathon.
Tanisha Singh got selected for the lecture course at RIKEN center of brain science, Tokyo, Japan from July 3-7, 2023.
Monika, Sneha Singh, Saumya jindal, Nishu Pandey, Shubha and Lavanya got selected for GSSOC'23.
Deepti Chhabra won the Harvard WECode Amplify Scholarship.
Jai Shree Jain received the Desh Ke Mentor Excellence Award by Shri. Manish Sisodia.
Sonali Kumari secured one of the top 5 positions in Hackoverflow phase-1 organized by AI Club IGDTUW in collaboration with NSUT.
Harshita Mangotra received the MITACS Globalink Research internship offer from Western University, Canada.
Sakshi Tiwari was the runner-up at Ideathon'23 conducted by Entrepreneurship Cell, IGDTUW
Srishti Gaur has been elected as the head of IGDTUW Model United Nations society.
Tanisha Singh was one of the top 15 contributors in the GDSC Autumn of Code conducted by IGDTUW.
Sneha Singh won best author award in ADSSS INTERNATIONAL conference for her paper on 'Amazon's Top 50 bestselling books'.
Charvi Bansal got selected for SWE Internship at Uber.
Jai Shree Jain got 2nd position in INNERVE Ideathon with her team and a cash prize of Rs 2,000.
Anaa Makhdoomi received internship and FTE offers from FIS Global.
Charvi Bansal was awarded the Prof Shail Bala Jain Motivational Award for securing the second position in B.Tech 2nd year ECE.
Sonali Kumari secured second rank in a coding competition organised by MLSA IGDTUW and Coding Ninjas.
Srishti Gaur was awarded with the vGHC scholarship.
Deepti Chhabra was awarded Mrs Phool Devi Scholarship of Rs. 10,000 for securing second position across all branches in the first year.
Srishti Gaur got accepted into the Open Source Mentorship Programme.
Manika Joshi got selected for SWE Internship at Microsoft.
Palak Handa was selected as the "Outstanding Performer" as a "MENTOR" for the Pilot Phase of Education Mentoring Program.
Anaa Makhdoomi was awarded the Vice Chancellor Gold medal and Exemplary Performance Award for her academic performance.
Harshita Mangotra got selected for SWE internship at ServiceNow
Nikita Garg got selected for SWE Internship at Microsoft.
Muskan Gupta was offered an internship and FTE role at Morgan Stanley.
Harshita Mangotra got selected as a WE Google Talentsprint scholar '21.
Palak Handa was awarded with the vGHC scholarship.
Muskan Gupta was appointed as a core member at WIBD (Women in Big Data), IGDTUW Chapter'21.
Palak Handa was awarded the Vice Chancellor Gold medal for her academic performance.
Muskan Gupta was appointed as the event management core at Taarangana'21.
Muskan Gupta was awarded the 'Professor Bala Jain motivation' award for her academic performance.
Palak Handa was awarded as the Best Alumni Research Paper in ICONC3 2020.