Research Interests

I focus on machine learning and data science applications for subsurface modeling and simulation, including: uncertainty quantification, inverse modeling, data assimilation, control & optimization, reduced-order modeling, and physics-informed predictive analytics.


University of Texas at Austin

[2021] - [2025]

Ph.D. Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Advisors: Dr. Michael Pyrcz & Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdin"Latent space methods for subsurface resource modeling"

University of Tulsa 

[2019] - [2020]

M.S. Mathematics

Advisor: Dr. Shirley Pomeranz"Boundary Element Method for the Dirichlet Problem for Laplace's Equation on a Disk"[2015] - [2019]

B.S. Petroleum Engineering

B.S. Applied Mathematics

minors: Computational Science, High Performance Computing

"Predictive Analytics and Artificial Lift Solutions for Liquid Loading wells using Statistical Learning and Physical Modeling"


Intern - Modeling, Optimization and Data Science (MODS)

[05/2024] - [08/2024]ExxonMobil-EMTEC

Intern - Computational Earth Science (EES-16)

[05/2023] - [08/2023]Los Alamos National Laboratory

Research Assistant - DiReCT & FE

[2021] - [Present]Digital Reservoir Characterization Technology, UTFormation Evaluation Consortium, UT

Research Assistant - SEES

[2020] - [2021]Subsurface Energy and Environmental Systems, USC

Teaching Assistant

[2021] - [2022] & [2018] - [2019]Subsurface Machine Learning, Department of Petroleum Engineering, UTCalculus I, Department of Mathematics, TURock & Fluid Properties, McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering, TU


University Graduate Continuing Fellowship (UT, 2024)

UT-Chevron Energy Fellowship  (UT, 2023) - link

University of Texas at Austin Graduate School Fellowship (UT, 2021)

Viterbi School of Engineering/Graduate School Fellowship (USC, 2020)

Ralph W. Veatch Award in Mathematics (Tulsa, 2019)

Thomas C. Frick Award in Petroleum Engineering (Tulsa, 2019)

AADE MidCon Scholarship (Tulsa, 2018)

International Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Outstanding Leadership (Tulsa, 2015)



Python, MATLAB, R, Mathematica 

C/C++, Julia, VBA, SQL, UNIX


MRST, CMG, Petrel, Eclipse 

SGeMS, Aries, Harmony, PipeSim, ParaView 

Jupyter, R\Shiny, Tableau, Spotfire, @Risk 

Relevant Coursework

Petroleum Engineering

Data Science for Engineering Systems, Subsurface Optimization, Numerical Reservoir Simulation, Flow Fluid and Transport Processes, Advanced Petrophysics, Subsurface Machine Learning, Multi-Well Formation Evaluation, Subsurface Energy Storage.

Rock & Fluid Properties, Integrated Reservoir Modeling, Unconventional Resources, Formation Evaluation, Reservoir Eng I & II, Production Eng I & II, Drilling Eng I & II, Well Completions; Seismic Data Processing, Structural Geology. 

Applied Mathematics / Computer Science

Machine Learning, Data Science, High-Performance Computing; Numerical Methods for IBVP, Partial Differential Equations, Adv. Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, Linear Algebra, Stochastic Modeling & Simulation, Statistical Learning,  Numerical Optimization, Engineering Analysis.

 Download full CV here:

see Contact for more information

[updated Summer 2024]