Overlaps of ESS data collection periods and elections/government replacements

Data file combines ESS Cumulative Data (Rounds 1-8) available here: https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/downloadwizard/ and ParlGov data about (a) date of the national (legislative/parliamentary/lower chamber) elections and (b) government replacement dates in countries included in ESS both available here: http://www.parlgov.org/data/table/view_cabinet/ Note: ParlGov does not include information for Russia and Ukraine (both included in ESS).

For data and code see: https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/434DSB

Work excitement cycle of a research paper: A universal model

For those of us who (often) struggle to find motivation to complete a research paper, I created this constant reminder that the last push is always the most painful.