Google Scholar: Miroslav Nemčok
ORCiD: 0000-0003-3556-5557
Twitter: @MiroslavNemcok
Facebook: miroslav.nemcok
Instagram: miroslavnemcok
LinkedIn: Miroslav Nemčok
Photo: Argo Ingver / Ekspress Meedia
Miroslav Nemčok, Ph.D.
I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo working on the WELTRUST project (Welfare State Support and Political Trust).
My research addresses the reasons why people support democratic systems – mainly performance of democratic institutions, welfare state policies, and the implications of people's political participation. However, I tend to get easily excited about topics reaching beyond the above-mentioned clusters. Therefore, some of my works deal with population growth models, youth political participation, adoption of postal voting, and democratic innovations (mostly in Central and Eastern Europe - CEE).
My research has appeared in European Journal of Political Research, Political Behavior, West European Politics, Electoral Studies, Party Politics, among others. For details, see Publications.
Prior to joining the University of Oslo, I was a Finnish Cultural Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Helsinki (2019-2020) and a Research Specialist at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic (2019-2020). During the course of my doctoral studies at Masaryk University (2015-2019), I spent a year at the University of Tartu in Estonia (2017-2018) and a seven month period at the University of Helsinki (2018).
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