In Spring 2022 I will be teaching the APM 598 graduate course at ASU. If you are interested to register for this class, please follow this link.

APM 598: Iterative Methods for Large-Scale Inverse Problems

Course description: Large scale inverse problems arise in many areas of science and engineering. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to topics needed for the solution of large-scale ill-posed inverse problems, starting with regularization methods and regularization parameter selection methods and moving to iterative methods such as Krylov subspaces methods. It is designed for graduate students with an interest in computational methods and who have programming experience in Matlab. Short research projects are an integral part of the course.


1. Discrete Inverse Problems: Insight and Algorithms by P. C. Hansen, SIAM 2010

2. Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems by Y. Saad, SIAM 2003

3. Iterative Solution Methods, Owe Axelsson, Cambridge

Note: This page is under construction. More information will be posted soon. If you have questions, please email me