Our lab is focused on development of tools and knowledge with potential application in control of vector and vector borne diseases in eastern Africa, with a primary focus on trypanosomiasis and malaria.  Our work thus spans projects that include tsetse and mosquito olfaction, genetics, tsetse-trypanosome interactions and responses to drugs in trypanosomes.  We employ multidisciplinary approach that include standard molecular biology, high throughput data analysis (genomic, RNA-seq and proteomic), field ecological tools, microscopy and laboratory physiological methodologies.  We ultimately aim at improving current local control methods for trypanosomiasis and malaria in eastern Africa. We key players and hosts of the Support for Vector Biology Training for Sustainable Control of Vector Borne diseases in East Africa program that is focused on training (short- and long-term) VBDs through workshops, graduate and postdoctoral trainings.