
1st Runners up in Tech Fiesta'18

I with my team achieved the 2nd place on poster-presentation category in intra-university competition named TechFiesta'18. Judges was pleased with our idea to resolve and make easier to the way of using public transportation. Also they suggest us to improve the idea and guide us a lot.


IIUC Hackathon 2020

In 2020, International Islamic University Chittagong organized an Intra university hackathon. Their I with my team (3 members in a team) participated with a solution that was given in the contest site. Our solution for the LGD's to monitor their development with the involvement of citizens.

TADHack Bangladesh 2018

In 2018, I with my team participated in telecom application developer hackathon. Participates are come with robust idea around Bangladesh. Basically their we need to implement our solution with telco API. Their we made a solution to buy medicine with app and make payment with their mobile airtime.



CodeWare'19 was organized by the AUST CSE Society. I had participated with a website and an android application.

The website was travel related. We tried to create a community in a platform. For more, visit: Project Link

The mobile application was an ecommerce app, where people can buy plants for their home, office, etc. For more, visit: Project Link

Esonance 2018

Islamic University of Technology organized an international event, where participation comes all over the globe. I with my team participate their in poster presentation category.

Entrepreneurship Summit 2018

East West University Telecommunication Club organized an idea competition which was focused on business. A long day was for grooming session. And after that, we have to face a selection round. We successfully pass the selection round and get the place in final round. Our team was the finalist on that competition.

Intra University Programming Contest-2017

Notre Dame University of Bangladesh (NDUB) organized a programming contest, where 30 team participates and each team contains three(3) members. The contest was ACM ICPC standard.

Our team was 15th position on this contest.

Intra AUST Programming Contest

#6 Times : Fall'16 | Spring'17 | Fall'17 | Spring'18 | Fall'18 | Spring'18

Intra AUST Programming Contest is programming contest where 50 teams are being selected from preliminary round for the final round. Each team are made with 3 members.

I participated in this contest as a team member and reached to the final round. I tried my best to solve the problems of contests.

Sometimes I stood in top 20 teams in final round.

Participation in Full Stack Web Development Workshop

AUSTIDC organized "Full Stack Web Development Workshop" for who are interested on web development. Basics of Websites are discussed here. Trainer made a website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. We the participants follow him on our respective PC's.