What is Kendo?

Kendo is a Japanese material art originating from the training of samurai in the art of swordsmanship. Modern Kendo training involves practitioners using a bamboo sword(竹刀) and wearing protective armor(護具).

The Japanese characters for Kendo(劍道) are translated as The Way of the Sword and characterized through the discipline of the human character through training and the application of the sword(刀). Through training, students strengthen body and mind, while learning many of the core teachings of the samurai: to treat people with respect, to strive for self-development, and to contribute to the peace and prosperity of humanity.

(Source from Canada Kendo Federation)

Purposes & Characteristics of Kendo



(Source from Korea Kumdo Association)



After two attempts, finally(and thankfully) I moved up to Cho-Dan(初段)! Get ready for the next challenge!!!


I won third place on 19th Seongnam-si Kumdo convention Kyu division! This experience was so awesome!