
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)

  • Developer Insomniac Games

  • Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment

  • Director Shaun McCabe / Chad Dezern / Brian Allgeier

  • First Release 2016.04

  • Metacritic Score 85

  • Playtime 31h (Platinum trophy / NG+)

  • Comment Classic! Ratchet & Clank series introduces players the way how they play the PlayStation console. You must play it after you own PS4. Strongly recommended for the PS4 beginners. Nice combination of space opera and black comedy behind charming cartoon graphic. But if you play it more intensively, you can find some small problems like slightly scanty storyline, or the weak chemistry between Ratchet and Clank.


Ratchet & Clank (Reboot) E3 2015 Trailer

Ratchet & Clank (Reboot) Story Trailer


Ratchet holding the RYNO and the RYNO vendor at Rilgar.

Landscape of Novalis.

Landscape of Aridia.

Landscape of Kalebo III.