Treasure hunter & other adventures

03/11/2018 - Welcome !

Welcome to my Nest !

From some time now, I played solo RPG & skirmish games with Two Hours Wargame rules. In those pages, you'll find AAR and some rules changes (I mixed a bit the different rules to my tastes).

You'll be able to follow the Fantasy adventures of Ben, an Altengard Knigh, and the futuristics fights & trip of Ben (or others), from the 5150 Universe.

The games are mainly played with Tabletop Simulator from Berserk Games, with different free assets from the Steam Workshop and paper figures from Drivethrurpg (Arion games, Dramascape, Heroic Maps & 0-hr are from my favourites).

All space combat are done with figs from Brigade Models & Studio Bergstrom.

Enjoy the trip, and feel free to send any comments below, or send me a little message !

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