
 ❯ Registration

Registration for MIPR’24 is open.

Please visit to register.


Please email if you need any registration assistance.

IEEE MIPR’24 accepts several types of accepted paper, including (1) regular research paper (6 pages inclusive of references or 6 pages with one additional page of references); (2) Short paper (4 pages); (3) Demo paper (4 pages); (4) Workshop paper (6 pages inclusive of references or 6 pages with one additional page of references). Please note that for regular research paper and workshop papers, the page limit is 6 pages. However, you may include up to 1 additional page solely for references without incurring extra costs. Short papers and demo papers must adhere to the four-page limit, inclusive of references.

It is important that at least one author per accepted paper registers at the Author Paper Registration rate on or before June 17th, 2024, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time). Author registration includes submission within the specified page limits mentioned above (additional cost may apply for extra pages).

Reduced rates (for students and life members) are not available for publishing authors.

At least one author must register at a full Author Registration rate and attend the conference to present the paper. Papers whose authors fail to attend and present them will be immediately removed from further consideration for inclusion in the proceedings and any planned journal special issues.

Authors other than the one who registers the paper and non-author participants are welcome to participate in and register for the conference. For non-author conference registration, a lower registration fee is available for students or IEEE life members.

Registration fees for all types include access to the entire conference and the social events.

For any registration question, please send an email to Dr. Xiaoliang Wang ( and Dr. Yongjin Lu ( and copy to Dr. Wei-Bang Chen (


Author Registration:

At least one author of an accepted paper must register at Author Registration rate per the paper registration policy above for paper to be included in the conference and workshop proceedings. If complete payment is not received by the author registration deadline June 17, 2024, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time), the paper will be pulled out from the proceedings. Such author registrations are Non-Refundable.

Other Attendees:

Cancellations/refund request should be made in writing to Dr. Xiaoliang Wang ( and Dr. Yongjin Lu ( 50% of the registration fee is refundable if the cancellation/refund request is made BEFORE June 26, 2024, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time). NO Refunds will be made after June 26, 2024, 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).


To request a visa letter, the author should fill out the following Google Form: AND Dr. Xiaoliang Wang (