
I currently teach the year-long advanced probability theory course for PhD students and the data mining and machine learning course for masters students.

Courses at Rutgers

  • Fall 2020. STAT 682: Advanced Probability Theory I.

  • Spring 2020. STAT 681: Advanced Probability Theory II.

  • Fall 2019. STAT 681: Advanced Probability Theory I.

  • Spring 2019. STAT 581: Financial Data Mining

  • Fall 2018. STAT 580: Data Mining and Machine Learning

Courses at Previous Institutions

University of Pennsylvania

  • Spring 2017. Stat 112: Introductory Statistics II

Carnegie Mellon University

  • TA Spring 2012
    10-704: Information Processing and Statistical Learning

  • TA Spring 2011
    10-702: Statistical Machine Learning

UC Berkeley

  • Instructor Summer 2009
    CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

  • TA Spring 2009, Fall 2008
    CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

  • TA Spring 2008
    CS70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability for Computer Science