
Instructor @ UH

      • Math 2450 -- Accelerated Calculus I, Fall 2022-now

Instructor @ Duke

      • Math 219 -- Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2022

      • Math 212 -- Multivariate Calculus, Spring 2021-Fall 2021

      • Math 353 -- Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation, Fall 2019-Fall 2020

Instructor of Record @ TAMU

Teaching Assistant @ TAMU

      • Recitation: Math 152: 512,514 -- Engineering Mathematics II, Spring 2019

      • Grader: Math 641:600 -- Analysis for Applications I, Fall 2018

      • Grader: Math 401:502 -- Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Spring 2018

      • Recitation: Math 151:537-539 -- Engineering Mathematics I, Fall 2017

      • Grader: Math 152 -- Engineering Mathematics II, Summer 2017 (Session I)

      • Recitation: Math 152:519-521 -- Engineering Mathematics II, Fall 2016

      • Help Session: Math 151 -- Engineering Mathematics I, Summer 2016 (Session I)

      • Grader: Math 642:600 -- Analysis for Applications II, Spring 2016

      • Recitation: Math 151:594-596 -- Engineering Mathematics I, Fall 2015

      • Grader: Math 152 -- Engineering Mathematics II, Summer 2015

      • Help Session: Math 409 -- Advanced Calculus I , Spring 2015

      • Grader: Math 411 -- Mathematical Probability, Fall 2014