
Update 8/21/2019!

We are currently implementing a results page with pictures from Minterlab's around the world!

2019 Results

Hello scientists,

Welcome to the 2019 Minterlab website! The Minterlab Movement is a project to bring synthetic biology to children around the world!

If you are interested in hosting a Minterlab Session please follow this link: For other iGEM teams

If you are a parent or a child interested in exploring advanced but fascinating topics in biology follow this link: For Parents and Kids

Let's science!

How it Began

It started in the 2019 iGEM season when Interlab was removed as an iGEM Bronze Medal requirement. This inspired Sophie Liu and Claire Yang, Public Relations leads at SoundBio iGEM, to create an alternative for teams to participate in while expanding the concept of Interlab to kids around the world.