

ME 491FAnalysis and Design of Electric Motors

Learn how to analyze and design electric motors. Maxwell’s equations in quasi-static regimes. Relation between the electromagnetic fields, sources, and potentials. Interaction between the fields and materials via polarization and magnetization. Electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic force densities and Maxwell stress tensor. Energy method for electromagnetic forces and torque. Magnetic equivalent circuits. Permanent-magnet synchronous motors and basic design considerations. Theory will be augmented with finite-element simulations.

ME 361 — Modeling and Control of Engineering Systems

This course introduces methods and techniques for modeling and controlling mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical systems. This course focuses on proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controllers and root locus techniques to design such controllers.

ME 207 — Applied Electronics

This course covers the principles of basic electric and electronic circuits and systems, which are essential for undergraduate students in mechanical engineering. Topics include resistive network analysis, AC network analysis, transient analysis, frequency analysis, operational amplifiers, basics of semiconductors, digital logic circuits and systems.

MECH 421 (UBC) — Mechatronic System Instrumentation

Learn a systematic way of integrating together what you have learned in previous courses to design and control feedback mechatronic systems.

MECH 410K/540C (UBC) — Advanced Mechatronics

Learn how to analyze and design mechatronic devices, e.g., sensors, actuators, and motors. Maxwell’s equations in quasi-static regimes. Interaction between the fields and materials via polarization and magnetization. Magnetic circuits. Force densities and Maxwell stress tensors. Energy method for electromagnetic forces and torque. Applications to electromagnetic sensors, voice coil actuators, reluctance actuators, electrostatic actuators, permanent-magnet synchronous motors, and piezoelectric actuators. Control systems for motors and piezoelectric actuators.


Mechanical Design





Signals and Systems

Circuits and Electronics

Electric Machines

Engineering Math

Technical Writing