Minji Jeon

Ph.D. Candidate
Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University
jeonmin AT iu DOT edu

Minji Jeon is a Ph.D. candidate in Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University. Her research interest lies in integrating computational and AI literacy for K-12 as well as enhancing collaborative argumentations through CSCL (Computer Supported-Collaborative Learning). Before beginning her academic journey, she has held various roles in K-12 education serving as a classroom teacher in grades K-6, instructional designer developing a local social sciences textbook, and coordinator/instructor for the district's STEM program for gifted students.

Minji's Linkedin
Minji's Google Scholar
Minji's Research Gate
Minji's ORCID

Selected Work

The following work samples are some of the selected works featured in my research, teaching, and service competencies.
You can see more examples in the
Research, Teaching, and Service tabs.

Scratch 3.0_illustrated explanation.pdf

Block-based Programming Language
Scratch 3.0 Guide


Computational Thinking Assessment


Planning Worksheet for Programming

Global Citizen Scholarship_Minji Jeon.mp4

Motivational Video:
Global citizens at Indiana University


Video Tutorials for Using Graphic Organizer Authoring Tools


Instructional Design Case Overview
for Case-based Learning