Minimal and subminimal negations for positive substructural logics




ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Constructive negation defined with a falsity constant for positive logics with the CAP defined with a truth constant, Logique et Analyse 189-192, 87-100, 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Two versions of minimal intuitionism with the CAP, Theoria 20: 53, 183-190, 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Relational ternary semantics for a logic equivalent to Involutive Monoidal t-norm based logic IMTL, Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34/2, 101-116, 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Converse Ackermann Property and minimal negation, Teorema 24/1, 5-12, 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F., Minimal negation in the ternary relational semantics, Reports on Mathematical Logic 39, 47-65, 2005. 

ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ, J. M. A constructive negation defined with a negation connective for logics including Bp+. Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34/3, 177-190, 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., The logic B and the reductio axioms, Bulletin of the Section of Logic 33/2, 87-94, 2004. 

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ R., P., Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with the Converse Ackermann Property, Teorema 2/1-2, 43-54, 2003.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ R., P., Four kinds of Subminimal Negation Within the Context of the Basic Positive Logic B+, Logique et Analyse 45, 177-178, 2002.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Exhaustively Axiomatizing Eo-> and Ro->, Logical Studies 9, 1-10 2002.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F., ROBLES, G., Anderson and Belnap's Minimal Implicative Logic with Minimal Negation, Reports on Mathematical Logic 36, 117-130, 2002.

SALTO, F., ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., Exhaustively Axiomatizing EMO->, Logical Studies 7, 1-6, 2001. 

SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ, J. M., ROBLES, G., Restricting the Contraction Axiom in Dummett’s LC: LC with the Converse Ackermann Property, Bulletin of the Section of Logic 30/3, 139-146, 2001.


ROBLES, G., SALTO, F., MÉNDEZ, J. M. A constructive negation defined with a negation connective for logics including Bp+. ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2005). Athenes, Greece, 28 July - 4 August 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M. On definig constructive negation in logics of entailment. First World Congress on Universal Logic. Montreux (Suiza), 26 March-3 April 2005.

MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F., ROBLES, G. El sistema Bp+: una lógica positiva mínima para la negación mínima. Jornadas de Homenaje a Miguel Sánchez-Mazas. Madrid, Spain 10-11 March 2005.

ROBLES, G., MÉNDEZ, J. M., SALTO, F. Converse Ackermann Property and constructive negation defined with a negation connective. ASL European Summer Meeting (Logic Colloquium 2004). Turin, Italy, 25-31 July 2004. Publication: Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 No.2, 292-293, 2005.