Certificate in College and University Teaching, UCSB
Awarded upon demonstration of competency in teaching at the university or college level, contingent on successful panel review of the teaching portfolio by the faculty advisory board.
Teaching Associate, UCSB
Instructor of record for summer session in core undergraduate class, designed active learning experience and oversaw teaching assistants, developed and implemented individual teaching philosophy, drafted syllabus, course notes, homework and evaluations.
1. PSTAT 120B: Probability and Statistics, undergraduate core course sequence
Teaching Assistant, UCSB
Instruction of 2 weekly discussion sections and exam review sessions, hosted weekly office hours, communicated with supervisors regularly, managed and updated course website, organized team of teaching assistants as the head TA, graded weekly assignments and quizzes, proctored and graded exams.
1. PSTAT 130: SAS Base Programming
2. PSTAT 207: Mathematical Statistics, graduate core course
3. PSTAT 123: Sampling Techniques
4. PSTAT 126: Regression Analysis
5. PSTAT 120: Probability and Statistics, undergraduate core course
6. PSTAT 10: Principles of Data Science with R (Head Teaching Assistant)
7. PSTAT 131: Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
8. PSTAT 134: Statistical Data Science
9. PSTAT 174: Time Series Analysis
10. PSTAT 296A: Master’s Research in Actuarial Science
Grader, UW-Madison
Graded students’ weekly homework, offered out-of-class help to students on MATLAB programming, trained as a Teaching Assistant by the course instructor.
1. Math 443 Applied Linear Algebra