Minglu ZHAO

A PhD student at Shimosaka Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology

email: zhao.minglu.s2[at]gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/minglu-zhao-0b98811b1


Self-introduction. I am a phd student at Tokyo Institute of Technology, in the lab of machine intelligence in UbiComp Research, with Prof. Shimosaka. I received master's degree from the Graduate school of Informatics at Tohoku University.  I also completed my Bachelor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Tohoku University while receiving MEXT (Japanese Government) scholarship. 

Research contents. Currently, my research focuses on Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Positive and Negative Driving Behavior Data. You can check my publications here

In addition to research. I attended Prof. Ohzeki's Quantum Annealing workshop for my personal interests.  You can refer to this GitHub repository. I also attended several Kaggle data analysis competitions. 

(Bio updated Mar. 2023)
