
8:30 Walking bus from Fry Building to Engineers' House

9:00 Registration & pastries

9:45 Welcome from PGR Director Karoline Wiesner

10:00 Sophie Stevens - Unlocking the secrets of your computer

10:20 Chris Lutsko - Computer science for dummies mathematicians

10:40 Nick Rome - X-ray crystallography, Penrose tiles and the Riemann Zeta Function

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Ian Gallagher - How to Use AI for Evil

11:50 Pip Goodman - When is there a unique group of order n?

12:10 Jennifer Chakravarty - The birth of the bit: information theory and other stuff

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Harry Petyt - The Envelope Trick

14:20 Leavers Talk by Kirsti Biggs

14:50 Coffee Break

15:20 5 minute speed talks

    • Nirvana Coppola - Towers of Hanoi
    • Joe Allen - A New Rose
    • Michael Wilsher - Why is the night sky dark? And other (time permitting) irrelevant questions
    • Kieran Child - Winning at Countdown

15:50 Leavers Talk by Scott Harper

16:20 Short Break

16:40 Heilbronn Talk by Jonathan Bober

17:00 Wine Reception sponsored by Heilbronn

18:30 Dinner