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​I grew up in Suwon, Republic of Korea. I am trained in administrative and policy sciences and hold a Ph.D. from Penn State University. I have actively participated in interdisciplinary studies and projects, continuously publishing my research in various journals. In addition, I have worked as a researcher and research assistant at research institutes in the United States and Korea (Pennsylvania State University, Seoul National University, PSH Policy Process Lab, National Assembly Budget Office, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Population Association of Korea, and Korea Development Institute).

My research interests include policy analysis, public administration, public health, population, and well-being. Most of my work employs quantitative methods and tries to find a unifying theme in social science. I approach the understanding of social science inductively, drawing inspiration from Laplace's causal inference and Carl Sagan's adage that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Following in the footsteps of the great scholar Enrico Fermi, my educational philosophy aims to elucidate complex problems for students in the simplest and most intuitive manner possible.

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